Legendary School Principal Kuwanosuke Naganawa, who once killed a bear using only his hands, is slowly going mad with longing for the perfect eggplant. Meanwhile Kei's wealthy father, Hajime Menjo, owner of the Hexa Tech Corporation, challenges Kei to a sales duel. Kei's all organic produce against his chemically enhanced produce. If Kei loses he must leave his friends and return home with his father to run the company.
난데없이 노망이 들고만 타모 농고의 교장선생님. 정신이 혼미한 상태에서도 선생님이 찾고 있는 것은 바로 진정한 가지였는데... 한편 케이에게는 과거의 그림자가 덮쳐오기 시작한다.