급작스럽게 닥친 은옥의 죽음으로 슬픔에 빠진 해영.
위탁아들의 도움으로 은옥을 보낸 해영은 왁자지껄한 장례식장을 보며 그제야 은옥의 삶을 이해할 것 같은 한편, 자신을 혼자 두지 않겠다는 지욱의 약속에 어쩐지 마음이 무거워지는데...
지욱이 자유롭게 살길 바라는 해영과 그런 해영을 이해할 수 없는 지욱. 끝날 때까지 끝난 게 아닌 두 사람의 손익 계산 결과는?
Hae-yeong is heartbroken over Eun-ok’s sudden death. As she bids farewell with the help of her foster siblings, she begins to understand Eun-ok’s life. Meanwhile, she feels heavy-hearted as Ji-uk promises not to leave her. Hae-yeong wishes for Ji-uk to live freely, while Ji-uk struggles to understand her. What will become of their complicated relationship?
Hae-yeong fica arrasada com a morte repentina de Eun-ok. Despedindo-se da mãe com a ajuda de seus irmãos adotivos, ela começa a entender a vida de Eun-ok. Ela fica triste e Ji-uk promete não abandoná-la. Hae-yeong não quer prender Ji-uk, mas para ele é difícil entendê-la. O que o futuro reserva para o relacionamento complicado dos dois?
Hae-yeong ist über Eun-oks plötzlichen Tod untröstlich. Während sie sich mit ihren Pflegegeschwister von ihr verabschiedet, versteht sie langsam Eun-oks Leben. Gleichzeitig bedrückt es sie, als Ji-uk verspricht, sie nicht zu verlassen. Hae-yeong wünscht sich, dass Ji-uk frei ist. Ji-uk hat Schwierigkeiten, sie zu verstehen. Was wird aus ihrer komplizierten Beziehung?
La mort soudaine d’Eun-ok brise le cœur d’Hae-yeong. Tandis qu’elle lui fait ses adieux, aidée par les enfants qu’elle avait accueillis, elle commence à comprendre la vie d’Eun-ok. Ji-uk lui promet de ne pas la quitter, mais elle a le cœur lourd. Elle souhaite que Ji-uk vive librement tandis que lui a du mal à la comprendre. Qu’adviendra-t-il de leur relation compliquée ?