Safu has returned to No. 6 because of her grandmothers’ death. While back, she learns of what has happened to Sion. At the same time, Sion and Nezumi continue their discussion over the future of No. 6 and the parasite bees. Nezumi receives a notice from Sion's mother informing him that Safu was taken by city officials. Nezumi contemplates whether or not to tell Sion as he would die trying to save her.
Safu torna al No.6 per la morte della nonna e capisce che c'è qualcosa di strano; cerca di contattare Shion senza riuscirci. Allora viene a sapere da sua madre dove si trova il ragazzo ma improvvisamente, mentre progettava di recarsi da lui, viene fermata dalla Sicurezza. La madre di Shion manda un messaggio di aiuto al figlio ma è Nezumi, dopo un diverbio col ragazzo, a riceverlo.
Safu est revenue à n°6 à cause de la mort de sa grand-mère. Pendant son séjour, elle apprend ce qui est arrivé à Shion.
عادت سافو إلى المنطقة رقم 6 بسبب وفاة جداتها. أثناء عودتها علمت بما حدث لسيون. في الوقت نفسه يواصل سيون ونيزومي مناقشتهما حول مستقبل المنطقة رقم 6 والنحل الطفيلي.