Rakus Klasse bereitet ein Theaterstück vor: Romeo & Julia. Raku soll Romeo und Kosaki Julia spielen. Das passt ja. Aber zwischen Raku und Chitoge gibt es offenbar mehr als beide bisher wahrhaben wollten.
Due to Chitoge's refusal to accept the role in their play, Kosaki steps in and takes the role as Juliet with Raku as Romeo. Whilst in the midst of rehearsals, Raku and Chitoge get into a heated argument over their fake relationship. As Raku vehemently states how dysfunctional things are between them and is considering to end their ties, Chitoge slaps Raku out of indignation. On the day of their play, Kosaki gets injured after rescuing a fellow classmate from a fall. With no one else to take over for Kosaki in her role as Juliet, Raku approaches Chitoge and convinces her to take the part. After Raku apologizes and admits he doesn't despise Chitoge as she had presumed, Chitoge leans into Raku and accepts the role as his Juliet.
Alors que Raku et Chitoge ont été désignés par la classe pour jouer Roméo et Juliette durant le festival du lycée, Chitoge refuse de tenir son rôle. Un tirage au sort est alors effectué et désigne cette fois-ci Raku et Kosaki. Raku est partagé entre le bonheur de jouer avec celle qu’il aime et l’inquiétude face à l’attitude glaciale de Chitoge...
치토게가 줄리엣 역을 거절하면서 결국 로미오에는 라쿠, 줄리엣에는 오노데라가 선택되었다. 그 자리를 호시탐탐 노리는 마리카였지만 줄리엣에 대한 오노데라의 의지는 굳건했는데…
Shu está a cargo del Festival Cultural y quiere que se interprete la obra "Romeo y Julieta", incluso sugiere que Raku y Chitoge sean los protagonistas. Pero Chitoge, dolida por lo ocurrido en la playa, se niega. ¿Quién será la Julieta de Raku?