Aoba ist fest entschlossen, ihr Bestes beim Charakterdesign-Wettbewerb zu geben, obwohl sie weiß, dass sie gegen Ko wohl keine Chance hat. Und schon zu Beginn stellt sie fest, dass alles nicht so leicht ist, wie sie es sich ausgemalt hat ...
The character design competition gets announced at their flower viewing. Just like Ko’s designs for “Fairies’ Stories” was chosen right after she had joined the company after graduating high school, everyone has a chance to enter. Aoba reads the proposal that Shizuku and the other members of the design team comes up with, and ends up going through a lot of trial and error. Aoba can’t seem to get the designs just right. She goes to visit Ko and sees that she has already completed numerous sketches that are all high quality and Aoba is amazed. Aoba uses her feelings of frustration from this to try to motivate her and enters the character design competition.
C'est l'heure du concours de designs. Tout le monde doit rivaliser de créativité pour emporter le vote des membres de l'équipe dirigeante concernant le prochain jeu.
드디어 시작된 디자인 공모전! 아오바는 심기일전해서 도전하지만 역시 혼자 해내기에는 만만치 않다. 그에 비해 야가미는 능숙하게 그려낸다. 하지만 1차 공모전 당일, 하즈키는 야가미보다 아오바의 디자인을 높이 평가하는데…
Todas estão ansiosas pela competição de design de personagem. Kou tem uma surpresa desagradável... Aoba mostra que não desiste por nada!
La compañía busca a la diseñadora de personajes de su nuevo juego, y Aoba participa en la competencia. En el estudio hay quienes piensan que Yagami vencerá de todos modos, pero Aoba no quiere peder la oportunidad de alcanzar su sueño. Aunque, ¿cuál será el precio a pagar?
Mentre sono al parco a vedere la fioritura dei ciliegi, le ragazze apprendono della gara di character design. Tutte possono partecipare, e provare a seguire i passi di Ko, i cui design furono scelti subito dopo la sua assunzione, proprio con una gara simile.