Tehotná pacientka si želá, aby sa jej chorý manžel dožil narodenia ich dieťaťa, čo nastane skôr, ako očakávali. Tomáš sa vrátil k Inge a Nikita sa nechce dozvedieť, kto bol v minulosti. Linda dostala druhú šancu, Dušan od seba odháňa Ivetu a riaditeľka vymenuje nástupcu za primárku Maxovú.
A pregnant patient wishes her sick husband to live to see the birth of their child, which will be sooner than expected. Tomáš returned to Inga and Nikita does not want to know who he was in the past. Linda got a second chance, Dušan drives Iveta away from himself, and the director appoints a successor to chief physician Maxová.