V škole strieľal žiak po spolužiakoch a kriticky zasiahol aj učiteľa a ozbrojený prichádza do nemocnice. Braňo našiel prázdne obaly od tabletiek a nevie, či ich zjedol jeho otec alzheimerik alebo depresívny profesor Hrdlička. Vilma je apatická voči pacientom aj kolegom a doktor Zajac nevie čo skôr.
At school, a student shot at his classmates and critically hit a teacher, and he arrives at the hospital armed. Braňo found empty pill wrappers and doesn't know if his Alzheimer's father or the depressed professor Hrdlička ate them. Vilma is apathetic towards patients and colleagues, and Dr. Zajac does not know what to do first.