Omoi kann sich nicht länger zurückhalten und versucht, Ameyuri Ringo zu besiegen. Doch so einfach, wie er sich das gedacht hatte, wird es dann doch nicht.
As Guy and Kakashi prepare to regroup their forces, they receive word that one of the units were engaged in battle with Ameyuri Ringo and decide to head to that location. Elsewhere, Ameyuri merciless attacks the members of Yurui's unit. With Yurui dead and only a handful of members left, the new leader of the team Nurui decides that they should escape as they were no match for one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. As they flee, Omoi who believes that they should stand and fight, gets into an argument with Nurui and Kayui tries to quell the argument, but, Omoi unable to take the coward's way out turns and prepares to face Ameyuri. Clashing with the kunoichi, Omoi is soon overpowered until Nurui and Kayui arrive and lure her away as Ameyuri notes that she always saved the best for last.
Les attaques des ninjas spadassins continuent. C'est au tour d'Omoi de se faire surprendre, lui et ses hommes...
Ameyuri Ringo semina il panico all'interno dell'esercito dei ninja ed uccide alcuni compagni di Omoi.
Unas explosiones se oyen en el bosque se trata de la espadachín de la neblina Ameyuri Ringo portadora de las espadas eléctricas de corte perfecto quien lucha contra la división de Omoi y sus compañeros quienes huyen de la espadachín mientras que Kakashi y Guy están en camino para ayudar en su batalla, pero Omoi la vence al llevarla a una trampa que le tendieron sobre unas arenas movedizas.
O esquadrão de Omoi é atacado por Ameyuri Ringo, uma dos Sete Espadachins Ninjas, e acaba perdendo um de seus homens. Omoi tenta vingar seu companheiro, mas Nurui ordena que eles recuem.
O esquadrão de Omoi é atacado por Ameyuri Ringo, uma dos Sete Espadachins Ninjas, e acaba perdendo um de seus homens. Omoi tenta vingar seu companheiro, mas Nurui ordena que eles recuem.
忍刀七人衆、雷刀“牙”の使い手、林檎雨由利がオモイの部隊に迫り来る! 雨由利の攻撃で仲間のユルイを殺されたオモイは反撃に出ようとするが、部隊を指揮するヌルイは許さず撤退命令を出す。