Nach den Ereignissen der letzten Zeit hofft Shougo auf ein relativ normales Fortlaufen seiner Schullaufbahn. Wäre da nicht Miyabi, die in ihrer neuen Rolle an seiner Seite einen besonderen Platz in seinem Herzen gewinnen will. Doch auch die anderen Mädchen sind hartnäckig wie eh und je …
Miyabi takes advantage of Shougo over the girls who wish to get close with him under the pretense of being siblings and adds that she will choose on who she will approve as Shougo's girlfriend and future partner. In response to this Mei and Ikusu hold a dating contest on Shougo where Miyabi will choose the most suitable partner for her brother from Konoe, Rinka, Mana, Mei and Ikusu. During the dates, Miyabi continuously distracts and drags Shougo away from the girls out of jealousy. Meanwhile, in Konoe's turn, she takes both Miyabi and Shougo out to an amusement park. Ultimately, Konoe brings the group to a bridal experience fair where the girls wear wedding dresses to get a first-hand experience of being brides. On Konoe and Shougo's wedding photo, the pseudo-couple allow Miyabi to be with them at the picture. Afterwards, the other girls, donning their wedding outfits, ask on who will Shougo choose next to take a wedding picture with.
13ième épisode de Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru ! non diffusé à la télévision.
Miyabi se aprovecha de Shougo sobre las chicas que desean acercarse a él con el pretexto de ser hermanos y agrega que ella elegirá a quién aprobará como novia y futura pareja de Shougo.