Junior muss sich als Mann behaupten, denn schon bald hat er für Vanessa und ihr gemeinsames Baby zu sorgen. Leider ist er auf die neue Situation nicht vorbereitet, und auch seine Vorstellungen vom Leben sind alles andere als realistisch. Deshalb nimmt Michael das Schicksal seines Sohnes selbst in die Hand und gibt ihm einen Job in seiner Firma. Doch bereits bei der Pünktlichkeit scheitert Juniors Anstellung - er wird entlassen. Gibt ihm Michael noch einmal eine Chance?
After hearing the shocking news that their son Junior is going to become a father, Michael and Jay freak out. They try to talk with him and help him realize he can't support a family living in their garage and having no job, so Michael offers him a job at his firm. Due to Michael's teasing with the boy, he gets late for his first day and Michael fires him after his second tardiness. But seeing that his son needs all the help he can get, Michael gives him another chance. Meanwhile, Tony feels guilty about having spicy thoughts about Claire and Franklyn is still out for Junior's spot on the Kyle family.
Michael et Jay sont stupéfiés lorsqu'ils apprennent que Junior est en passe d'avoir un bébé avec Vanessa. Les parents essayent alors de faire comprendre à Junior qu'il ne peut pas prendre soin d'une famille en habitant dans leur garage et sans emploi. Michael lui propose alors un job dans sa société. Mais après deux retard Michael licencie son fils...
Jr annuncia che lui e Vanessa aspettano un figlio. Superato lo shock, Michael e Jay gli chiedono come pensa di mantenere una famiglia senza un lavoro.
No primeiro episódio da quarta temporada, Michael e Jay ficam chocados com a notícia do bebê de Vanessa, mas ela e Júnior estão decididos a se casar, mas ficam com dificuldades de responder quando Michael e Jay lhe perguntam como vão criar uma família. Enquanto isso, Claire e seu "biblioso" namorado, Tony, têm certeza de que Jr. e Vanessa vão para o "inferno", e o jovem tocador de piano, Franklin, conta para Michael que tem esperança que chegue um novo Kyle na família.