Yamato und Takeo feiern gemeinsam Yamatos Geburtstag. Währenddessen wartet Suna darauf, wie die Operation seines Vaters verläuft …
On June 15, after seeing Makoto off, Takeo begins his birthday outing with Rinko, following the plan that Makoto had laid out for him. After spending the day bowling and going to a fancy restaurant, Takeo keeps thinking about Makoto and tells Rinko about his father's surgery. Understanding Takeo's wishes, Rinko encourages him to go visit Makoto and stay by his side during his father's surgery. After the surgery goes successfully, Takeo and Makoto find Rinko waiting for them, enjoying her birthday despite the sudden change in plans.
Le jour de l’anniversaire de Rinko est arrivé, et Takeo veut tout faire pour que celui-ci soit mémorable. Mais au même moment, le père de Suna est sur le point de se faire opérer…
Após descobrir o que o Suna escondia, chega o dia do aniversário da namorada do Takeo.
Il giorno dell'operazione del padre di Suna è lo stesso del compleanno di Yamato. Takeo cerca di rispettare il desiderio dell'amico incontrandosi con Yamato per festeggiare, ma non riesce a smettere di pensare alla brutta situazione in cui si trova Suna. Dopo averci pensato su a lungo, Takeo decide di parlarne a Yamato.
الوصف: تظهر كو-ساما على حقيقتها، ويعرف الغاتشامان هيّتها ويريدون القضاء عليها، ماذا قد يحصل مع الناس ومع غيلسادرا وتسوباسا؟