Takeo ist sehr zurückhaltend, was seine erste Freundin angeht. Und diese scheint auch etwas vor ihm zu verheimlichen …
While Takeo studies up on shoujo manga in the hopes of better understanding girls, Makoto and Ai meet up with Rinko, who confesses that she wants to become more intimate with Takeo, but is afraid of telling him as he'll think she is impure. Putting her own happiness aside, Ai encourages Rinko to tell Takeo how she really feels, later telling Makoto about how she fell for Takeo. Catching up to Rinko, Takeo listens to each of her small demands, accepting them without argument. Rinko then confesses that she previously lied a few times in order to have an excuse to keep seeing Takeo, which just makes Takeo even happier. That night, as Ai makes her way back home, Rinko sees her first shooting star while Takeo asks Makoto to practise kissing with him, which is met with resistance.
Ai, la sœur de Suna, tient à savoir ce que Rinko cache à Takeo. Takeo, quant à lui, cherche à comprendre le cœur des femmes…
Graças a uma intervenção da irmã do Suna, o Takeo finalmente descobre o que é que a Yamato andava escondendo?
Ai Sunakawa le contará a su hermano Suna de dónde nace su interés desesperado por Takeo. Además, Yamato se prepara para revelar a Takeo algo que le ha escondido hasta ahora.
Ora che Takeo ha trovato la prima ragazza della sua vita, tratta Yamato con i guanti. Yamato, però, non sembra felice e Ai inizia a pensare che lei stia nascondendo qualcosa a Takeo. Qual è il segreto di Yamato e cosa farà Ai dopo averlo scoperto?
تواجه آي ياماتو مباشرة وتسألها عن السر الذي تخفيه عن تاكيو كن فتخبرها أنها ليست الفتاة البريئة التي يظنها تاكيو، وبعد حوار قصير تفنعها آي بإخبار تاكيو بالحقيقة، وهذ ما ستفعله ياماتو حيث ستسرع نحو منزل تاكيو