Takeo und Yamato treffen sich allein. Takeo ist bereit, ihr jeden Tipp zu geben, um mit Suna zusammenzukommen, doch da beginnt Yamato zu weinen …
As Yamato meets up with Takeo, she becomes upset when all he does is talk up Suna. When Takeo comes to his place for advice, Suna clearly tells Takeo that he is the one Yamato is in love with, clearing up any misunderstandings he may have had. Suna further clarifies that the reason he's rejected every girl who's confessed to him is because they were insulting Takeo behind his back. When Yamato comes over, Suna hides Takeo under his bed and has Yamato clearly express her feelings for Takeo over and over so that he understands it, after which Takeo and Yamato properly confess to each other face-to-face and begin dating.
Rinko souhaite discuter avec Takeo en tête à tête. La rencontre ne se déroule pas exactement comme prévu ; Suna décide alors de dissiper les malentendus une bonne fois pour toutes.
O Takeo e a Yamato têm o seu primeiro encontro a sós. Mesmo assim, ele não se toca de que ela está a fim dele e não do seu amigo.
Suna le contará algo sobre Yamato a Takeo que lo dejará incrédulo. Yamato y Suna se acercarán mas íntimamente en esta entrega, pero no será fácil llegar hasta ese punto. Además, presenciaremos momentos vividos por Takeo y Suna cuando eran niños.
Finalmente Takeo e Yamato si incontrano da soli. Takeo, pensando che Yamato voglia solo dei consigli per avvicinarsi a Sunakawa, si sorprende quando la ragazza inizia a piangere.
يلتقي تاكيو وياماتو بمفردهما أخيرًا، إلا أن تاكيو يعتقد أن ياماتو بحاجة إلى نصيحة للاقتراب من سوناكاوا، وحينها يتفاجأ عندما تبدأ ياماتو بالبكاء