Having vowed revenge on her for all the injustices placed upon them, Dr. Wakeman's mutant lab rats, led by the evil genius Vladimir, also known as Mr. Scruffles, plan to destroy her by taking control of Jenny's body.
Jenny makes her first contact with the outside world, meeting Brad and Tuck Carbuckle for the first time. While Brad immediately accepts Jenny as a new friend, Tuck does not quite see her as anything other than an "evil robot cyborg".
Jenny wants to go to the town fair, but Dr. Wakeman fears that Jenny will spook the townspeople with her presence. When Jenny gets a hold of a prototype "exo-skin" for her to wear, she sees her chance to mingle with the fairgoers; unfortunately, its mangled appearance only scares them. Meanwhile, Tuck attempts to conquer his fear of Ferris wheels.
On her first day of high school, Jenny seeks to make some new friends, and she thinks she can find some in the arrogant Brit and Tiff Crust. Unfortunately, the Crust cousins do not share the same feelings and plan to humiliate her.
When Jenny saves local school geek Sheldon from a gang of bullies, he quickly becomes smitten with her and won't leave her alone.
A simple snowball battle between Jenny, Brad, and Tuck is interrupted by a strange robot ambassador who wants to make Jenny the newest member of the Cluster, a legion of robots headquartered on the planet Cluster Prime that plans to enslave humans for manual labor. When she refuses, the ambassador commences war against her.
Jenny wants to get ear piercings, but her mother refuses to give her ears. Sheldon offers to step in and help, but the ears he builds end up being disproportionately large on Jenny's head.
Brad is disappointed by his lack of a driver's license, and Jenny's attempts to help him. Soon, he takes up joyriding in abandoned UFOs as a new hobby.
Jenny and Brad's secret party is a hit, but between keeping the party-goers under control, keeping the house in one piece, and keeping a group of tiny multiplying aliens from invading Earth, Jenny has her hands full.
While on a mission in Japan, Jenny winds up losing one of her language system discs for English speech. Unable to switch off from speaking in full Japanese, she encounters problems in speaking to people. She uses this to her advantage, however, to make peace with a Japanese creature that grows with and is hurt by water.
Jenny has been invited to her handsome classmate Don Prima's latest party, and she has gotten a tune-up and a new paint job just for the occasion. However, Brit and Tiff are ready to do anything to sabotage Jenny's chances to impress at the party.
Dr. Wakeman is proud of her newest enhancement for Jenny: multi-functional eyes that can see anything in any view. Jenny likes them until she sees how they look on her. She refuses to use them and fumbles around town without any sight until she finally realizes she needs them to fight an invisible villain.
The owner of Mezmer's, a popular hangout spot for teens all over town, enforces a strict "No Robots" policy. Desperate to get in, Jenny dons the new and improved exo-skin to pass off as a beautiful human teenage girl. However, the exo-skin turns out to have a mind of its own and refuses to let Jenny take it off or fight a group of alien space bikers.
Tuck keeps interrupting Jenny's daily activity for every possible favor. When a big problem arises, however, Tuck's call for help winds up going ignored.
When Jenny finds and reactivates her "sisters"–early XJ prototypes 1 through 8–she is beyond happy. Each sister has her own personality, however, and they do not all have the same level of friendliness that Jenny has.
Having been found to have only been activated for five years, the school system declares that Jenny has to be moved into a grade level that correspondes her "age". Jenny finds herself being forced to adapt to kindergarten.
When Jenny starts to develop face-bolts, voice changes and excess wires growing out of her body, Brad chalks it up to puberty. However, it soon becomes apparent that the "puberty" is actually the doing of Queen Vexus of the Cluster, who has infected Jenny with a virus to warp her into a loyal, Cluster-controlled monster.
Jenny becomes the star football player of the high school football team. At a championship game, she soon finds herself facing the former Tremorton High quarterback whom she replaced.
Thanks to a screw-up from one of his Cluster troops, Commander Smytus loses a cache of super-powered Pip Crystals to the Crust Cousins. The cousins decide to flaunt both their style and newfound powers in front of Jenny, and she must use her keen fashion sense to save herself in time.
Looking to prove to Jenny that boy robots are jerks compared to him, Sheldon creates a mechanical suit and dubs himself the "Silver Shell". The plan backfires, however, when Jenny starts falling for Silver Shell.
As a robot, Jenny wants to experience what it is like to dream. When Dr. Wakeman installs a dream chip, Jenny's joy causes her to abuse its function and she finds herself stuck in dream mode and sleepwalking, causing mayhem in the process.
Jenny's desire to know the feeling of physical contact leads her to steal a set of artificial nerves from Dr. Wakeman. The nerves, however, have only two settings: tickle and pain. Jenny must manage these while fighting Himcules, a villain whose strength increases when he sees others in pain and diminishes at the sound of laughter.
Jenny is stuck going to a robot convention with Dr. Wakeman; at first she thinks she'll get to meet new robot friends and have fun. However, she is proven wrong... Snubbed by all the other robots and insulted by Dr. Wakeman's rival, Dr. Phineas Mogg, Jenny finds herself going to a robot called "Vee" for comfort. Unfortunately, "Vee" is actually Vexus in disguise, seeking to recruit new Cluster members and she's looking forward to add more than a few new robots to the Cluster by any means possible.
Sheldon sets Jenny up for a date with Silver Shell, in hopes that he can reveal himself to her. However, she already has a date with Don Prima, much to Sheldon's chagrin. An evil mutant fly that can eat metal attacks people in the restaurant while the date takes place, while Silver Shell tries to sabotage the date by ruining Don's expensive shoes.
Jenny gets a chance to visit the theme park Wizzly World with Brad and Tuck, and she cannot help but think that the robots in the park feel miserable. When Jenny breaks them out of the park, however, chaos ensues.
When Jenny hangs up on Dr. Wakeman one too many times, the doctor desperately reprograms Jenny's communicator to make Jenny unable to turn it off.
Jenny is unwittingly programmed for evil against her will by a spoiled child named Todd Sweeney, who uses her to ruin the holidays for all of Tremorton. When she returns to normal, she discovers that the entire town has turned against her, and nobody believes her pleas of innocence, except for the one person that worships her like a goddess - Sheldon. Todd, however, still intends to use her to ruin the year's biggest holiday—Christmas.
Jenny's new boyfriend, a male robot named Kenny built by Dr. Wakeman's rival Dr. Mogg (who copies many of Dr. Wakeman's inventions while adding distinctive twists), seems to be the perfect match for her at first; however, Kenny soon starts to display oddly dog-like characteristics. Meanwhile, the new couple attracts Sheldon's jealousy.
It is currently unknown what had happened to Commander Smytus returning to his normal size, where he has actually succeeded in assimilating Jenny into the Cluster, and has turned her into a massive metal monster. Having been awakened due to Jenny being in crisis, will the rest of the XJ line come save their captive sister, or will XJ-2 through -8 get assimilated and get XJ-1 to barf some motor oil on Jenny's face upon bringing back her senses?
Tuck admires the Silver Shell, so he manages to convince Sheldon into making him Silver Shell's faithful sidekick, the Tin Can. Being a sidekick is not quite what he expects, though.
Jenny feels that her mother is overprotective of her and wants a life of her own. Dr. Wakeman allows Jenny to live in the backyard shed, and promises that she will never interfere with her life. Soon Jenny's new "bachelor pad" is the new hot spot in town, but her new party lifestyle begins to interfere with her own personal duties.
Scorned by Tremorton after ruining the town's 300th-anniversary celebrations during a fight with Vexus, Jenny gets fed up with being unappreciated by humans and soon finds herself in Cluster Prime, the capital of Vexus' empire. She finally gets a chance to live with other robots like her but soon discovers there's more to Cluster Prime than meets the eye.
Not to be outdone by each other, a fashion war erupts between Jenny and the Crust cousins. Brit and Tiff employ psychological warfare by making Jenny feel self-conscious about her weight, so she urges Sheldon to make her as light as possible, which results in giving up her weapons and armor.
Looking to find a way into Jenny's heart, Sheldon steals a set of XJ-9 schematics from Dr. Wakeman. Vexus, however, also has eyes for the schematics, and is willing to disguise herself as "QT2" to trick Sheldon into giving them to her.
Jenny gives in to Tuck's request to be his entry for the hit robot combat competition "Robot Wars", despite finding the event barbaric.
Tired of being stuck under Jenny's shadow, Brad sets out to be his own hero. However, he finds himself in hot water when he runs afoul of the scientist Dr. Locus and his daughter Melody. Locus wants the XJ-9 schematics for reasons yet unknown and when Jenny gets knocked out in battle, Brad has to prove himself.
Jenny is convinced that Dr. Wakeman's new boyfriend is a psychopath.
Due to internal disputes, the Teen Team has broken up. With no place left to go, Misty heads back to Earth to be with Jenny. Teased at school by the Crust cousins for her appearance, Misty convinces Jenny to get back at them through a prank war.
The brand-new "Action Jenny" toys are a huge success, and Jenny finds herself taken in by the fame. However, they soon turn out to be Vexus and Krackus' newest plan to conquer the world.
Jenny has a crush on a new kid named Travis, but there's only one problem: Travis is afraid of anything mechanical. As Jenny tries her best to appear less robotic in order not to frighten Travis on their dates, her role as a superhero becomes conflicted — especially when the Old Weathered One, a villain who can control the weather, relentlessly attacks Tremorton.
If Tuck doesn't pass his next assignment, he will repeat the second grade. His assignment: a project on his personal hero. His subject: Jenny. His project: create a movie centering on Jenny's life. His personality: too enthusiastic for anyone to stand. Along with a generous amount of creative license.
Jenny wakes to find herself trapped in a mysterious place, where laser guns and other mechanisms meet her every move, and the only company she has is Killgore.
With Misty hanging in Tremorton and doing her part in keeping the town safe (though not for free), Jenny leaves the super heroics to her and starts to slack off. But when Misty's mercenary habits clash with Jenny's views on protecting the innocent, fisticuffs break out between the two. What's going to become of their friendship?
Vladimir (Mr. Scruffles), Lancer, Mudslinger and the Mad Hammer Bros. form the 'Legion of Evil' to seek their shared vengeance on Jenny.
Sheldon tries to make Jenny jealous by paying Pteresa to be his girlfriend.
A group of aliens worship Jenny after she is mistaken for a "comet goddess". It's fun at first but they soon drive Jenny crazy. However, when confronted, the aliens promise to leave her alone after one last ceremony. Jenny unwittingly pulls the Sun toward the Earth and uses the same ceremony in the opposite direction. She then hurls the alien's spaceship into an elliptical orbit around the Sun, turning them into a comet. The Earth is saved, but someone's missing...
Jenny, Brad, and Tuck can't seem to agree over the rules of a board game. But when the boys tag along on Jenny's mission to a garbage dump asteroid, they run into Vexus, Smytus and Krackus who are stuck in the asteroid. The former Cluster Queen is looking to drain Jenny of her energy, but she and her henchbots can't agree on what to use the power for.
After destroying a series of asteroids that threaten to destroy the Earth, Jenny returns to earth, bringing with her a dust that severely alters the characteristics of her close friends.
Sheldon is recruited to become a secret agent and stumbles onto a supposed plot to destroy every last robot in Tremorton.
After almost getting hit by a truck, Tuck becomes hyper-paranoid about everything, until Jenny shows himself in the future, perfectly healthy. Tuck realizes that he's not going to die until he lives a full life and decides to become a daredevil, seeking fame and glory. Unfortunately for Jenny, this means a lot of stopping what she's doing and saving him from his stunts.
Brad is getting married, but not by choice. The Space Bikers want poor Brad to get hitched to Tammy. But does Brad really want to be rescued?
Skyway Patrol wants Jenny to pay for repairs to the city due to her fooling around, and now Jenny is on a desperate job hunt.
Vexus is back, and with a new look. Having teamed up with Brit and Tiff, the ex-Cluster Queen is becoming quite popular in school, to the point where even the Crust Cousins can't compete.
At the Invention Convention, Dr. Wakeman's latest robot goes haywire. Soon after, all the previous XJ robot models begin to attack as well. It's up to Jenny and her mother to find out why.
Jenny unwittingly dishonors a Japanese vacuum robot while on a mission to Tokyo, and she must restore the robot's honor.