Amanda bereitet erneut eine Ausstellung im Ägyptischen Museum vor. Unter den Exponanten befinden sich auch mehrere Sarkophage mit Mumien darin. Ja-Kal entdeckt unter anderem den Sarkophag seines Bruders Arakh und seines Neffen Kimas. Schon zu Lebzeiten war Arakh neidisch auf seinen Bruder Ja-Kal. Diesen alten Familienzwist will sich Scarab zunutze machen, um seinem Ziel, die Mumien aus dem Weg zu räumen, einen Schritt näherzukommen… (Text: Super RTL)
A new exhibit is featured at the museum. Two mummy cases are included, and the Mummies note that one is labeled ""Kimas"" and the other ""Scorpion"". When Ja-Kal opens a case, Set and Anubis attack him. They were stealing the mummies and the sarcophoguses for Scarab. They escape, and head back to Scarab's lair. Scarab, Set, and Anubis summon the ""Scorpion of the Desert"" from beyond the Western Gate. The spirit of Arakh, Ja-Kal's brother returns. Ja-Kal recalls back to when Amenhotep made Arakh his spear bearer. Ja-Kal had saved his life from a lion, but Arakh was bitter and made jealous when Ja-Kal was made the leader of the Royal Hunt. Ja-Kal continues recalling how Arakh helped Scarab defeat them to kill Prince Rapses. Ja-Kal and Arakh have their first big confrontation in the museum.
Scarab stringe un patto con Bes ordinandogli di portargli l'albero della vita, una pianta che permette di ringiovanire! Bes penetra la porta dell'altro mondo e sradica l'albero, ma non lo consegna a Scarab e decide di divertirsi facendo invecchiare di minuto in minuto tutti gli abitanti della città di San Francisco, compreso Preslay che diventa un nonnetto! Anche Scarab si riduce in fin di vita, e le Mummie devono darsi da fare a recuperare l'albero prima che il brutto scherzo di Bes provochi danni irreparabili.