Presleys Mutter Amanda bereitet für das Ägyptische Museum eine Ausstellung vor, in deren Mittelpunkt die Krone des Ramses stehen soll. Leider verschwindet das wertvolle Stück auf dem Weg nach San Francisco. Dahinter steckt Presleys richtiger Vater Paul, der zur gleichen Zeit überraschend zu Besuch kommt. Scarab will die Krone unbedingt haben, denn mit ihrer Hilfe kann er seine Kräfte auf das Zehnfache verstärken. Als Presley erkennt, dass sein Vater in diese Angelegenheit verwickelt ist, fühlt er sich von ihm verraten. Scarab hetzt unterdessen seine Shabtis auf Paul, um die Krone in seinen Besitz zu bringen. Es kommt zu einem Kampf, bei dem Paul beweist, was in ihm steckt… (Text: Super RTL)
Presley's father arrives unexpectedly for the weekend. Presley is delighted to see him. Presley's father is not the most honorable man. He secretly picks up a rock and gives it to Presley calling it a magic rock to ward off evil spirits. He takes Presley to the amusement park and cheats to help Presley ring the bell. He continuously lies about the great expeditions and battles he's been involved in. But worst of all, he steals the museum's Crown of Ramses the Great, to sell to Scarab. When he admits to Presley that he stole it, Presley is crushed, but Nefer-Tina chears Presley up. ""Whoever acquires the Crown develops unimaginable powers."" Scarab puts the Crown on and becomes huge and all-powerful. When Presley's dad helps the Mummies try to defeat the huge Scarab, Presley regains his faith in his dad. They make up, and his dad takes his leave.
Bes, una folle divinità che si diverte a fare scherzi, scambia i corpi delle Mummie facendo entrare la mente di Nefer-Tina in quella di Ja Kal, e la mente di Armon in quella di Rath (e viceversa)! Anche Preslay viene trasferito nel corpo del gatto Skat, e Scarab in quello del suo cane Ammut! L'unico modo per rimettere tutto a posto è recuperare la moneta d'oro di Bes.