物語の舞台となる私立美南学園は、進学校でもなくスポーツ強豪校でもない…一見どこにでもある普通の高校。ただ一つ違うのは、生徒のイケメン率が異常に高い学校だということ! 伝統的にイケメンが多く集うこの謎多き学園の目指すところはただ1つ、全国選抜高等学校イケメン大会、通称「選抜イケメン大会」での全国制覇なのです! かつてはその大会で上位の常連校という輝かしい時代もありましたが、近年は負け続きゆえ、学園はより一層熱い思いで全国制覇を目指します。そんな悲願を掲げる美南学園にひょんなことから奇跡的に入学した平凡な高校生が、イケメンばかりの環境に最初は戸惑いながらも自分を奮い立たせ、持ち前の人間性や他の生徒には思いもよらないような独創的なアイデアで、「選抜イケメン大会」の代表メンバーを目指していくことに!!
The private Minami Gakuen, which is the setting of the story, is neither a preparatory school nor a sports powerhouse, this mysterious school where many good-looking guys gather has only one goal: the national high school good-looking guy tournament, commonly known as the "selected good-looking guy tournament"! There used to be a brilliant time when the school was a high-ranking regular school in the tournament, but in recent years it has been losing, so the school aims to conquer the whole country with even more passion. An ordinary high school student who miraculously enrolled in Minami Gakuen, who has such a long-cherished desire, inspires himself while being puzzled at first by the environment of only handsome men, and his own humanity and originality that other students do not think of.
- Moshimo, Ikemen Dake no Koukou ga Attara
- MoshiIke
- What If There Were a High School for Ikemen Only