ついにデュランダルがデスティニープランを発令した。キラとラクス、アスランら志を同じくする者達は決戦の地、宇宙へと向かう。そこで待ち受けるシンとレイ。人類の行く末と希望という名の未来をかけた戦いの結末は…!? PHASE-43〜50までで構成された「SEED DESTINY」再編集の完結編!
Having defeated Logos and the Earth Alliance, the triumphant Chairman Durandal now reveals his ultimate plan for humanity. The world reacts with confusion and horror to the details of the Destiny Plan, but Durandal has come too far to let anyone stand in the way of his dream of eternal peace and happiness. Using the weapons of his fallen enemies, the Chairman demonstrates that he will stop at nothing to create his new world.