ザフトに復帰したアスランは、FAITH(フェイス)としてミネルバに乗艦した。黒海沿岸でつかの間の休息をとっている中、シンはステラと偶然出会う。一方、アスランもミリアリアの助力で、キラやカガリと再会を果たすが…。PHASE-14〜28までで構成された「SEED DESTINY」再編集の第2弾!
While the Minerva is docked at a ZAFT base, Chairman Durandal comes aboard and meets with the crew. Their discussions evoke in Shinn reflections about the past, but they also cause him to argue with his shipmates. Seeking refuge from further conflicts, Shinn goes ashore and encounters a beautiful girl. In an attempt to rescue her from drowning, he finds himself in need of rescue instead.