Setsuna konnte den Staatsstreich in Azadistan zwar verhindern, der konservative Parteiführer Massoud ist jedoch immer noch verschwunden. Setsuna macht sich auf den Weg zur Solar Antenna Anlage um herauszufinden, wer für die Krise verantwortlich ist.
With the whereabouts of Massad Rachmadi unknown, Azadistan falls into a state of civil unrest with constant terror attacks. Reviewing the previous battle, Lockon reveals the possibility that there may be a third force aside from the Union-Azadistan forces and Celestial Being. After Setsuna and the duo of Graham and Billy investigate the possible site of where missiles had been launched by Ali, Setsuna deduces that location of where terrorist forces, led by Ali himself, are located. Setsuna and Lockon, with the assistance of Hong Long, attack the terrorist hideout. Setsuna manages to hold his own against Ali, who manages to escape from the battle, while Lockon and Hong Long utilizes the distraction to rescue Rachmadi. Deciding to display a show of bravado, Celestial Being authorizes Setsuna to deliver Rachmadi to the Azadistan royal palace with Exia unarmed. Despite pressure from present Union and Azadistan forces, the hostage release is successful. Marina asks the pilot of Exia if he is truly Setsuna, to which Setsuna vaguely encourages Marina to take up the fight for peace in Azadistan.
La guerre civile faisant rage en Azadistan, Celestial Being est amené à intervenir assez rapidement, ce qui étouffe le coup d'État qui se préparait. Reste maintenant à déterminer la localisation de Massoud Rachmadi en laissant Setsuna, originaire des environs, faire une reconnaissance du terrain…
Estando Massad Rachmadi en paradero desconocido, Azadistan cae en un estado de intranquilidad civil debido al miedo contínuo de ataques terroristas. Revisando la anterior batalla, Lockon descubre que probablemente exista una tercera fuerza, aparte de la armada azadistaní y Celestial Being. Despues de una ardua investigacion por parte de Setsuna, Graham y Billy, estos descubren que los misles fueron lanzados por Ali, asi como el lugar de lanzamiento de los mismos. Es entonces cuando Setsuna y Lockon con la ayuda de Hong Long atacan el escondite, enfrentandose a Ali con el Exia y obligandole a huir de la batalla, mientras Lockon y Hong Long utilizan la distraccion para rescatar a Rachmadi.