Während dem Einsatz der Celestial Being in Moralia trifft Setsuna auf einen Teil seiner Vergangenheit. Sein Gegner ist der Söldner Ali al-Saachez, der Setsuna zum Kindersoldaten ausbildete.
The Gundam Meisters were able to defeat the Moralian Army, despite an earlier attempt by Setsuna to confirm if Ali was in the AEU Enact prototype that he fought with. Their actions had formed the Moralian Armed Forces to surrender to the Meisters after the previous State of emergency was declared. While Setsuna was being reprimanded by Lockon and Tieria for placing all of Celestial Being in danger for the potential of having their real identities exposed, an unknown terrorist group had conducted simultaneous bombings in various nations as a warning message to take on Celestial Being with more indiscriminate bombings unless the group disbands.
Un mercenaire nommé Ali Al-Saachez a pour mission de capturer un Gundam lors de l'intervention de Celestial Being en Moralie. Setsuna, face au MS du mercenaire, semble reconnaître une voix bien familière… Le monde entier continue donc à observer les faits et gestes de cette armée privée et à agir en conséquence.
Los Gundam Meisters derrotan a la Armada de Moralia, mientras Tetsuna intenta confirmar que es Ali el que pilota el Enact de la AEU contra el que ha estado luchando, lo que más tarde le lleva a una reprimenda por parte de Lockon y Tieria, por los metodos "poco ortodxos" empleados para tal fin.
De repente varias bombas esplotan simultaneamente a lo largo del planeta, como parte de un mensaje enviado a Celestial Being, para que cese sus actividades.