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Season 1

  • S01E01 Circumcise Me?

    • January 5, 2006
    • BBC Three

    To be circumcised or not to be circumcised? That is the question and Mischief goes looking for the answer. Most American men are circumcised, whereas Brits prefer to keep their foreskin intact. So is it better to be circumcised or not? Is it healthier? Sexier? Or are circumcised men and their lovers missing out?

  • S01E02 Booze Bird

    • January 12, 2006
    • BBC Three

    Mother of three Nicky Taylor decides to give binge drinking a go for a month. She goes out on the town with a bunch of girls half her age to see what effect drinking has on the body and the mind.

  • S01E03 A Dirty Weekend in Hospital

    • January 19, 2006
    • BBC Three

    Presenter Tim Samuels leads around a hundred MRSA victims and their relatives on an impromptu cleaning blitz of ten of the country’s worst hit NHS trusts. They spent a day being trained by infection control nurses and then, brandishing mops and dusters, the volunteer cleaners descended on ten hospitals completely unannounced.The group expose the shameful state of Britain’s hospitals in an attempt to draw attention to the prevalence of hospital acquired infections, such as MRSA.

  • S01E04 Let's Make a Baby

    • January 26, 2006
    • BBC Three

    How low can Reality TV go? Danny Robins, a comedian with no TV experience, invents a tasteless reality format called 'Let's Make a Baby - the Race to Conceive Britain's First Reality TV Baby’. What does the TV industry think of this brand new programme proposal and is there anybody out there willing to take part?

  • S01E05 Travels With My Beard

    • February 2, 2006
    • BBC Three

    Rajesh has decided to grow a beard. The only problem is, now some people think he looks like a terrorist.In the aftermath of the July bombings in London, Mischief finds out what post-suicide-bombs Britain is like for a chap with a beard on his chin and a rucksack on his back.

Season 2

  • S02E01 The Great Sperm Crisis

    • May 17, 2007
    • BBC Three

    With Britain in the middle of a major sperm donor crisis, Danny Robins gets in his silver sperm tank and goes looking for red-blooded men willing to give a toss for Britain.

  • S02E02 Is it Cos I Is Black?

    • May 24, 2007
    • BBC Three

    In an expose of politically-correct Britain, presenter of Asian descent, Adil Ray, travels the country to see how much he can blag using his minority status simply because people are too PC to question his mischievous antics. Alongside him is non able-bodied actor David Proud and a white male control sample, comedian Karl Lucas. The three are set the same challenges to out PC attitudes in supermarkets, taxi ranks, restaurants, local councils, the workplace.

  • S02E03 Episode 3

    • May 31, 2007
    • BBC Three

    Fed up with traffic jams and public transport nightmares, comedian and presenter Alex Riley decides to take revenge on those responsible for Britain's transport woes by embarking on a madcap mission to help the victims get even through a series of daring stunts, such as digging up the road outside the companies who cause roadwork chaos, taking cattle trucks to train companies to help them combat overcrowding, and fighting bus wars.

  • S02E04 Bust My Ass

    • June 7, 2007
    • BBC Three

    Are we living in a Big Brother State? Journalist and all-round troublemaker Sam Delaney thinks so. Sam discovers that, under a New Labour government, you can get nicked for practically anything - from a bit of mild heckling to wearing the wrong T-shirt. Meanwhile over four million CCTV cameras are monitoring your every move. Sam decides to fight back and assembles a band of unlikely New Labour criminals, who have all been nicked for ridiculous new crimes. He is on a mission to help them do what they want, without getting arrested. But it's amazing the lengths to which they have to go to stay within the law in Blair's Britain. Sam has to enlist the help of a barbershop quartet, a bunch of Albanians and the Shadow Attorney General.

  • S02E05 I Hate My Bald Head

    • June 14, 2007
    • BBC Three

    Documentary in which bald, tortured soul Robert Murray embarks on a quest to find the ultimate remedy for his receding hairline. After finding endless experts who promise him a full head of hair in return for a small fortune, he exposes himself to a painful cocktail of lotions and potions. None of these work, so he dons a custom-made wig to face the world, terrified that it'll make him look more attractive as he tries speed-dating.

  • S02E06 Episode 6

    • February 7, 2007
    • BBC Three

    Writer and TV presenter Dawn Porter is on an all consuming mission to see what it takes to shrink from her curvy UK size 12 figure to the much-touted super skinny Hollywood zero. Surviving on a diet of just 500 calories a day she hunts down the stylists, designers and agencies who are responsible for making skinniness not only appear possible, but the ultimate goal for any dedicated follower of fashion.

Season 3

Season 4