Many religions have used various mind altering substances to connect with a creative mind, far beyond the limits of our five senses. In modern times, the use of these substances has become illegal. However, something is about to change. Daniel Pinchbeck talks with two luminaries to discuss the historical and future role of psychedelics and religion.Artist, Alex Grey talks about the use of LSD as a creative tool for connecting with sacred reality through the visionary mystical experience. Then, author Michael Muhammad Knight offers his view of Islam that is considered controversial to some. Even more controversial was his profound experience with ayahuasca and the divine feminine. Both agree that bringing psychedelic sacrament back into religions would initiate a reemergence of the divine feminine and bring balance to the masculine dominance found in prominent religions in this inaugural episode originally webcast September 24, 2013.
Are we entering into a new era where our thoughts can truly control reality? The answer is complicated, as much of our reality has already been created and human beings are complex beings. With advances in neuroscience being integrated with esoteric traditions, we may indeed be creating a time where our minds do create our reality. Daniel Pinchbeck talks with two scholars of esoteric traditions on the nature of evolving enlightenment.Jay Michaelson examines the role of mindfulness and dharma in one’s search for enlightenment. While mindfulness is commonly held as key to improving mental and physical health, it can also be used to stunt spiritual evolution. Then, Richard Smoley, who has studied many esoteric traditions, offers various world-views on the nature of reality. Together, they discuss a range of topics from evolutionary spirituality in devotional religions, end of the world prophecy and the future of esoteric traditions in this interview originally webcast October 1, 2013.
The world is experiencing advances in technology and growth in population at an unprecedented scale. If we are to ensure the future of humanity, we must adapt to these changes and radically change how our economy affects the environment. To better grasp what lies ahead, Daniel Pinchbeck talks with three entrepreneurs who are already reshaping economic philosophy: Howard Bloom, Miki Agrawal and Amber Lasciak, in this interview originally webcast October 8, 2013.Howard Bloom offers a unique perspective on evaluating the environmental and economic challenges that humanity faces. We may need to learn to embrace the very things we were taught to despise. Next, he joins Miki Agrawal and Amber Lasciak to discuss the successful ways they have implemented a new economic philosophy. What ensues is a lively discourse on the importance of living-out your passions in a way that inspires others to do the same while creating a positive impact upon the world.Click here for Part 2, where Howard Bloom and Richard Smoley discuss the evolutionary nature of human consciousness.
In the previous episode we explored the future of humanity within the economic and political landscape. In Part 2 Howard Bloom and Richard Smoley join Daniel Pinchbeck to discuss the evolutionary nature of human consciousness. In order to do this, they offer different approaches for defining consciousness while evaluating the merits of each method. Their discourse on mankind’s intuitive and cognitive faculties range from atheism and science to spirituality and mysticism. Ultimately, no consensus is achieved, but a foundation for further, in-depth contemplation is established in this interview originally webcast October 8, 2013.For Part 1 of this interview, click here.
We are facing a unique crisis as our renewed vigor for attaining enlightenment clashes with our materialist based economy and fear-based politics. Is there a way we can reconcile our current systems with the new spiritual paradigms? If not, how can we reform them? Daniel Pinchbeck explores the cultural benefits of enlightenment with comedian Russell Brand and playwright Eve Ensler in this interview originally webcast October 15, 2013Russell Brand offers his insightful perspectives on spirituality, economics and politics without abandoning his unique zeal and sense of humor. It is an entertaining and informative account on the profound benefits of individual enlightenment. The conversation continues with Eve Ensler as they offer further insights on reforming our fear and consumerism based cultures. Individually and collectively, we can stop being passive and become the transformers of our own lives.
Many patriarchal systems that dominate the world’s cultures not only turn a blind eye toward violence against women, they may even encourage it. Things are beginning to change as communities are uniting to challenge the paradigms that promote misogyny. Playwright Eve Ensler and activist Jerin Arifa join Daniel Pinchbeck to share their ideas for empowering individuals and communities to develop cultural norms that discourage all forms of abuse in this interview originally webcast October 22, 2013.To highlight this, Eve Ensler explains how the accidental success of The Vagina Monologues led her to develop programs that give women everywhere a voice to express their suffering. When Jerin Arifa joins the conversation, they discuss how patriarchies misconstrue the role of women in Islam for Muslims and non-Muslims, alike. Together they explain how they are working to unite the world’s communities and end the epidemic of violence against women.Update: Jerin Arifa is on the National NOW Board of Directors and President of NOW’s First Virtual Chapter Young Feminists & Allies (YFA),
Since time immemorial, art has the pervasive power to influence attitudes and opinions on a grand scale. In more recent times, science has come forward as the primary architect of the world we now live. John Petersen and Carter Cleveland join Daniel Pinchbeck to explain how the collusion of art and science can inspire mankind's coming of age in this interview originally webcast October 29, 2013.John Petersen stands at the forefront of technological advancements and offers his unique foresight for the next generation of humankind. Carter Cleveland, who has always stood at the precipice of art and science, realized his vision of bringing art collections to a wider audience with his website, Together, they explain how advancements in social network technology will become the most powerful tool for transformation that we have ever known.
Some people say that psychedelics, like ayahuasca and iboga, offer a peek behind the curtain of reality and can be a catalyst for conscious evolution. Others caution that these substances are not for everyone and that their misuse can have dire consequences. Daniel Pinchbeck examines the ceremonial use and the misuse of ayahuasca with three psychonauts: Ben Lee, Ross Brockley and Stuart Braunstein in this interview originally webcast November 5, 2013.Ben Lee explains how his experiences with ayahuasca helped him feel a greater sense of interconnectedness and a deeper level of understanding. To this point, Ross Brockley offers a counterpoint by relating disappointment with his experiences of ayahuasca. Later, they are joined by Stuart Braunstein to offer a cautionary tale about ayahuasca ceremonies and dark shamans. All three are artists in their own way, from music to film making, and all three have differing psychedelic perspectives.
Reports of paranormal encounters are regularly dismissed due to skeptics’ ridicule or religious doctrine. Far more insidious are the government cover-ups obscuring information from potentially reliable sources. David Pinchbeck talks with UFO researcher Richard Dolan and parapsychologist George Hansen who argue that advances in technology are expanding the limits of human consciousness to the point where supernatural phenomena will become commonly accepted occurrences in this interview originally webcast November 12, 2013.As evidence of otherworldly contacts increases, the motivation to keep such information suppressed increases as well. Richard Dolan feels public disclosure will happen, but it will require a major paradigm change. George Hansen explains how our perceptions of paranormal experiences are the direct result of the anthropological structures of our spiritual mythology. Together, they reflect upon the changes needed in our social structures before we can normalize supernatural experiences.
The transition of the Mayan calendar was not meant to herald the end of the world. We have entered into a new period of slow transformation and awakening. Daniel Pinchbeck discusses Toltec traditions and the Mayan calendar after 2012 with Sergio Magaña, Dharma Padron Daly and Salvador Bolivar Madera, the implications of the Mayan calendar after 2012 in this explorative interview was originally webcast November 19, 2013.Sergio Magaña explains how the Mayan calendar works and what it means to be entering into the time of the 6th sun. It is in this period where spirituality shifts from an external focus to an internal. This is why dreams are more important and old religious practices may not work for many people. Next he joins with Dharma Padron Daly and Salvador Bolivar Madera to discuss how elements of Toltec tradition apply to our current period of transition.