Many patriarchal systems that dominate the world’s cultures not only turn a blind eye toward violence against women, they may even encourage it. Things are beginning to change as communities are uniting to challenge the paradigms that promote misogyny. Playwright Eve Ensler and activist Jerin Arifa join Daniel Pinchbeck to share their ideas for empowering individuals and communities to develop cultural norms that discourage all forms of abuse in this interview originally webcast October 22, 2013.To highlight this, Eve Ensler explains how the accidental success of The Vagina Monologues led her to develop programs that give women everywhere a voice to express their suffering. When Jerin Arifa joins the conversation, they discuss how patriarchies misconstrue the role of women in Islam for Muslims and non-Muslims, alike. Together they explain how they are working to unite the world’s communities and end the epidemic of violence against women.Update: Jerin Arifa is on the National NOW Board of Directors and President of NOW’s First Virtual Chapter Young Feminists & Allies (YFA),