Tony Blackwell, who doesn't want to take over his mother Kate's business, begins studying painting in Paris. Things initially go well for the young man in the metropolis: his works are well received and he gets to know the nude model Dominique. But when he reads a review of his works, everything suddenly changes.
While Kate slowly recovers from her son Tony's attempted murder, he cannot withstand the psychological stress; he goes crazy and is sent to a mental institution. His daughters, the twins Eve and Alexandra, are growing up with Kate. The entrepreneur has earmarked Eve as her heir, but she doesn't show her true colors to her grandmother.
After the successful reconstruction of Eve's face, she continues to pursue the plan to get rid of Alexandra once and for all in order to become the sole heir to "Krüger-Brent, Ltd". She goes to see psychiatrist Dr. Harley pretends to be her twin sister and makes him believe she is depressed. When this plan doesn't work, George is supposed to kill Alexandra. But once again Eve is one step ahead of everyone.