When Steve Rogers is seriously injured, Peggy Carter becomes the world’s first Super Soldier.
The rough-and-tumble space pirates known as the Ravagers abduct T’Challa instead of Peter Quill.
Nick Fury struggles to launch The Avengers when candidates are targeted by a serial killer.
A grief-stricken Doctor Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto in a dangerous effort to change the past.
When The Avengers are infected by a zombie plague, surviving heroes search for a cure.
An American soldier called Killmonger rescues Tony Stark when his Humvee is attacked in Afghanistan.
Thor, who never learned to be a good hero, throws an out-of-control intergalactic party on Earth.
Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton seek to destroy killer-robot Ultron following a cataclysmic event.
What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath?
When Nebula is recruited to join the Nova Corps, she sets out to prove her detective skills.
When Ego and a young Peter Quill threaten Earth in 1988, Howard Stark and Peggy Carter form a team.
When Avengers Tower is attacked during the holiday party, Happy Hogan must prove his hero chops.
Tony Stark challenges The Grandmaster, leading to a grand prix-turned-demolition-derby death match.
Captain Carter’s mission to save Steve Rogers sets her on a collision course with new enemies.
A Mohawk woman ventures into the waters of the Forbidden Lake to help save her people.
Hela—stripped of her powers and banished to Earth—comes across a new source of power: the Ten Rings.
Captain Carter tries to undo the anomaly that strands familiar heroes and villains in the year 1602.
Captain Carter discovers the greatest threat to all existence may be closer than she realizes.
A new team of Mech Avengers battle an accidentally enhanced Hulk.
Hollywood film star Agatha Harkness has a new co-star in Howard Stark's first production.
The Red Guardian interferes with the Winter Soldier mission to kill Howard Stark.
While on vacation, Howard the Duck and Darcy Lewis face dangerous factions from across the galaxy.
Riri Williams embarks on a deadly mission to take down the authoritarian Quentin Beck.
The legendary Shang-Chi and Kate Bishop search for The Hood in the Old Wild West.
The Watcher must stand trial for his many interventions.
The end of the beginning…