Marlon convinces Ashley to let Zack model for a kids' athletic line after he is approached in a mall. After the shoot, Stevie , Yvette , Marlon and Ashley are horrified to see that the photos have been altered as the shirt he is modeling now contains the phrase "Funky Monkey." Ashley and Marlon decide to pull Zack from the campaign after the advertising executives fail to see the racism of the shirt.
When Marlon’s sisters come to town, he convinces Ashley to pretend they are still married in order to keep them from freaking out and being disappointed in him. As the weekend goes on and the charade gets harder to keep up, Marlon finally confronts them in an epic confession. After receiving a psychic reading from Lenora, Stevie tries to woo Yvette as he thinks they are destined to be together.
Marlon decides to buy the house he has been renting since the separation. While prepping for the sale Marlon and Ashley decide that they no longer have to follow the politics of marriage and tell white lies to keep each other happy. They can be totally honest with each other.. "Keep It 100." Yvette and Stevie get involved and the plan eventually backfires when they realize you can be too honest. They all agree to keep it a balmy "77" with a slight breeze.
Marlon and Stevie see Yvette's fiancé, Demetrius, cheating on her and they disagree whether or not they should tell her. Marlon refuses, claiming they can't break the "man code." Ashley deals with Yvette's new relationship by turning to numerous hobbies. Yvette discovers what is going on and breaks up with Demetrius after he and Marlon get into a fight at her engagement party.
Marlon goes all out for his 43rd birthday and decides to throw himself a funeral party after attending his barber's funeral. Everyone speaks at Marlon's party, talking about all the insensitive jokes he made at their expense. This makes Marlon worry that he is too harsh on everyone. They reassure him that they love him and know that even when he is making fun of them it's because he cares.