In Scotland off the rugged coast of Cape Wrath, Bear is dropped into open ocean. After getting ashore, he realises he's on an island and must swim to the mainland. Bear fashions a wetsuit from a seal's hide to withstand the frigid crossing. Well into the trek, he is forced to turn back as an incoming estuary tide nearly cuts him off. After he makes it to dry land, Bear has a close call with the steep treacherous Scottish rock terrain
In Borneo, Bear heads directly into the wild jungles. Without a place to land his helicopter, he is forced to rappel into the treetops. As the heli peels away, Bear is 100 feet up in the canopy. After finding his way down to the jungle floor, Bear tackles raging waters, big mudslides and deep caves as he fights his way through this impenetrable place.
Bear gets up close and personal with sharks in the Pacific, where he also must deal with rip currents and pounding surf. Included: previously unseen footage and new survival techniques.