While lounging in the shade, Takeru notices an unknown silvery-maned beauty (Minerva). He and Kogen give chase, but stumble instead into a fight. Takeru officiates the duel, but finds his position on the line after clumsily interfering when he fears for the student's safety (a failing grade on his maken practicum doesn't help his case). Minerva, who broke up the fight, proposes an all-night cram session with Takeru and his roommates, which she uses to gather intelligence for Kamigari, revealing for the first time the extent of Kodama's power as well as something of Takeru's.
Enquanto descansando na sombra, Takeru percebe uma beleza prateada-guará desconhecido (Minerva). Ele e Kogen dar caça, mas tropeçar em vez em uma briga. Takeru oficia o duelo, mas encontra a sua posição na linha após desajeitadamente interferir quando ele teme pela segurança do aluno (a reprovação em seu estágio maken não ajuda o seu caso). Minerva, que terminou a luta, propõe uma sessão cram a noite toda com Takeru e seus companheiros de quarto, que ela usa para reunir informações para Kamigari, revelando pela primeira vez a extensão do poder Kodama, bem como algo de Takeru.
While lounging in the shade, Takeru notices an unknown silvery-maned beauty (Minerva). He and Kogen give chase, but stumble instead into a fight. Takeru officiates the duel, but finds his position on the line after clumsily interfering when he fears for the student's safety (a failing grade on his maken practicum doesn't help his case). Minerva, who broke up the fight, proposes an all-night cram session with Takeru and his roommates, which she uses to gather intelligence for Kamigari, revealing for the first time the extent of Kodama's power as well as something of Takeru's.