Maker Profile * Bicycle Rodeo - We meet Cyclecide, an inventive band of performance artists who build peddle-powered amusement park rides and outrageous bicycle contraptions straight out of the dump. Plus the birth of a modern bicycle Maker Workshop * VCR Powered Cat Feeder - John Park shows us how to hack a motor from an old VCR and use it to drive an automated cat feeder. Maker to Maker * Nibbler - In this 'Toolbox' segment William Gurstelle demonstrates the nibbler for cutting and shaping sheet metal. # Maker Channel * ScreamBody - Kelly Dobson's wearable voice-activated scream machine. * Laser Harp - Stephen Hobley's amazing musical instrument that produces different tones by interrupting various laser beams. * Cupcake Cars - Paul Ozello's small go-cart type cars shaped and decorated to resemble cupcakes. * [Trouble Maker] TV Be Gone - Mitch Altman's secret remote control hat that can turn off any TV anywhere.
Maker Profile * Aerial Kite Photography - We follow maker Chris Benton as he takes spectacular aerial photographs by rigging remote-controlled cameras to high flying kites. Maker Workshop * Burrito Blaster - John Park shows us how to build a Burrito Blaster - an air cannon that will launch hot dogs, brats and burritos into the bleachers at the ball park. Maker to Maker * Giant iPod - In this 'Hidden Treasures' segment, Mister Jalopy shows us his giant iPod. Maker Channel * Veggie Flute - Junji Koyama plays flutes he makes out of carrots, peppers and broccoli. * Swashbot - I-Wei Huang's shows off his cool crab-like remote control robots. * Latte Art Printer - Oleksiy Pikalo's printer can be programmed to etch very exacting designs in the froth of a latte. * [Trouble Maker] Urban Camouflage - Todd Lappin disguises a personal vehicle to look like a commercial vehicle in order to "legally" park in loading zones.
Maker Profile * Steampunk - Jake Von Slatt takes us into the alternate universe of Steampunk, an innovative style that turns today's technology into Victorian works of art. Plus, watch the story of steam power, from the first crude water pump to a bionic arm. Maker Workshop * Pole Camera - John Park mounts a remote control camera on a painter's extension pole to take stunning photographs from a bird's-eye-view. Maker to Maker * Magnets - In this Sneaky Gadgets segment, Cy Tymony demonstrates some sneaky uses for magnets. In this 'Hidden Treasures' segment, Mister Jalopy shows us his giant iPod. Maker Channel * Smoke Ring Machine - Ali Momeni and Robin Mandel's programmable smoke ring generator. * Theremin Orchestra - Masami Takeuchi's ensemble of amazing-looking and -sounding theremins. * Pulse-Jet Bike - Robert Maddox attaches a pulse-jet engine to a standard bicycle and zooms away. * [Trouble Maker] Drink Beer on CSPAN - Bill Barminski demonstrates a video hack, inserting himself into CSPAN's congressional coverage.
Maker Profile * Fire Sculpture - Meet the Flaming Lotus Girls, a collaborative group of makers that welds together gargantuan, fire-breathing sculptures. And see how the Flaming Lotus Girls follow a proud lineage of women who took up the torch during WWII. Maker Workshop * DTV Antenna & Steadicam - John Park builds a digital TV antenna with a fistful of wire coat hangers. He also makes a $10 video camera stabilizer out of plumbing pipe. Maker to Maker * Cable Ties - In this Toolbox segment, William Gurstelle demonstrates how to make the most of your trusty cable ties. Maker Channel * Motorized Barcalounger - Engineer Lyn Gomes kicks back in her motorized lounge chair. * I/O Brush - Kimiko Ryokai's electronic "paintbrush" transfers any object it touches onto a special board with eye-popping results. * Massage Me Jacket - Hannah Perner-Wilson and Mika Satomi's wearable massage vest acts as a video game controller. * [Trouble Maker] Giant Match - Billy Gordon fires up a monster match made from 15,000 wooden matches.
Maker Profile * Kinetic Wave Sculptures - See the elegant and hypnotic motorized wave sculptures created by visionary Maker Reuben Margolin. Also, see how ocean waves can power our future. Maker Workshop * Shopping Cart Chair - John Park upcycles a discarded shopping cart into a stylish easy chair. John also attempts a "deluxe" version of this project that employs motors and switches to transform it into a "go-kart chair." Maker to Maker * 1950 Studebaker - In this Hidden Treasures segment, Mister Jalopy details the unsung wonders of his 1950 Studebaker. Maker Channel * RoboStool - Steve Norris's remote-controlled robotic foot stool comes to him wherever he wishes to sit. * Treadmill Bike - Brent Curry crosses a two-wheeled bike with a treadmill to allow the rider to get a real walking workout. * Foundry - 14 year olds, Oliver Ramin and A.J Brackovitc, make their own foundry for molding aluminum swords. * [Trouble Maker] Death Ray- Richard Whitney uses sunlight and the Fresnel lens from a television set to melt a steel security lock.
Maker Profile * Music Machines - Enter the plugged-in world of Tim Kaiser, a maker who fashions experimental musical instruments from scavenged objects. Then meet the musical maverick who inspired him, Harry Partch. Maker Workshop * Portable Trebuchet - John Park assembles a portable trebuchet from plastic plumbing pipe that's perfect for flinging water balloons fifty yards. Maker to Maker * Soldering In this Toolbox tutorial, circuit-bender Bianca Pettis demystifies the art of soldering. Maker Channel * Smash Bat - Walter Kitundu and Luigi Anzivino rig a baseball bat to flash photos at the exact moment of impact with some leftover fruit. * I Eat Beats - Kyle McDonald's drum synthesizer played with Skittles. * Tennis Ball Launcher - Daniel Bauen's pedal- powered tennis ball launcher built from two recycled bicycles. * [Trouble Maker] Evil Mouse - Joe Bowers hacks into a mouse that causes the cursor to misbehave when moved.
Maker Profile * Public Projections - Bike along with Ali Momeni and his fleet of mobile video projectors that transform public spaces into massive sound and light shows. And see the first projector, the "magic lantern," that's still in use today. Maker Workshop * Wind Power Generator - John Park combines a used treadmill motor and PVC pipe to build a wind generator. Maker to Maker * Load-Release Devices - In this Toolbox segment, William Gurstelle introduces us to load-release devices like the panic snap and the pelican hook. Maker Channel * Balloon Organ - Fran Holland's bagpipe-sounding musical balloon instrument. * Ball-Fetching Robot - Mark Whitney's autonomous dog-like robot that can follow and fetch a ball. * Truth Wristband - Sean Montgomery's wristband that uses technology similar to what's in lie detectors. * [Trouble Maker] Drink Beer on CSPAN - Bill Barminski demonstrates a video hack, inserting himself into CSPAN's congressional coverage.
Maker Profile * Watershed Sculptures - Journey upstream with environmentalist Dan McCormick, a maker who crafts intricate watershed sculptures out of woven willow branches. And see other handmade structures built to help fish return to their origins. Maker Workshop * Miniature Robots - John Park builds some lively and inexpensive miniature robots including a beetlebot and a solar-roller. Maker to Maker * Compact Museum - In this Hidden Treasures segment, Mister Jalopy reveals the wonders of a jar full of treasures he bought at a garage sale. Maker Channel * Spud Gun - Zack Gens and Ted Goessling slice and French fry potatoes with each blast of an air cannon. * Freeline Skates - Ryan Farrelly's skates are made to simply step on and ride like two mini-skateboards. * Asteroids Watch - John Maushamer's watches tell time while playing Asteroids and Pong. * Motorized Wheelchair - Lance Greathouse's custom wheelchair shoots flames.
Maker Profile * Computer Music Making - Meet CCRMA, a group of musical makers who stretch the sonic boundaries by turning personal computers into an electronic symphony. Then see the origins of the synthesizer. Maker Workshop * Personal Flight Recorder - John Park hacks a Wii controller that can measure the stomach-churning G forces of roller coasters and other high-speed, high-risk activities. Maker to Maker * Japanese Saw - In this Toolbox segment, William Gurstelle demonstrates a super-sharp Japanese saw. Maker Channel * Tesla coil guitar - Steve Connor plays his tesla coil guitar amplifier * RFID implant - Amal Graafstra opens locks and other devices with his hand-implanted RFID tag. * LED fan sign - Kip Kedersha lights up the baseball bleachers with his homemade sign. * Solar-powered Gondola - Reno Tondelli takes us on a spin with his Solar Powered Bicycle Gondola.
Maker Profile * Wearable Technology - Visit SparkLab founder and designer Syuzi Pakhchyan, a maker who bridges high tech and fashion with her space age clothing explorations. And see the very first maker of electric fashion. Maker Workshop * Cigar Box Guitar - John Park builds a guitar out of a piece of wood, some string, nails and a cigar box. Then he wires it to a buck-fifty cassette-player amp and "makes it rock". Maker to Maker * Camaro 8-Track - In this Hidden Treasures segment, Mister Jalopy opens up his Camaro's cassette player to show us the beauty of clear schematics. Maker Channel * Sunlight Poem - Ji Yeon Song's one-day poem projector made of cardboard and sunlight. * Pedal-Powered Blender - David Butcher outfits a bike with a generator that can run a blender. * Handmade Theremin- Lorin Parker's musical instrument is played without being touched. * Time-lapse Camera - Jay Burlage hacks into a clock to create an inexpensive way of taking panning time-lapse photography. * [Trouble Maker] Cell Phone Jammer - Limor Fried cuts the chatter with a homemade cell phone jammer