Maker Profile * Music Machines - Enter the plugged-in world of Tim Kaiser, a maker who fashions experimental musical instruments from scavenged objects. Then meet the musical maverick who inspired him, Harry Partch. Maker Workshop * Portable Trebuchet - John Park assembles a portable trebuchet from plastic plumbing pipe that's perfect for flinging water balloons fifty yards. Maker to Maker * Soldering In this Toolbox tutorial, circuit-bender Bianca Pettis demystifies the art of soldering. Maker Channel * Smash Bat - Walter Kitundu and Luigi Anzivino rig a baseball bat to flash photos at the exact moment of impact with some leftover fruit. * I Eat Beats - Kyle McDonald's drum synthesizer played with Skittles. * Tennis Ball Launcher - Daniel Bauen's pedal- powered tennis ball launcher built from two recycled bicycles. * [Trouble Maker] Evil Mouse - Joe Bowers hacks into a mouse that causes the cursor to misbehave when moved.