After seeing what Goro has done Yamane decides to rejoin the baseball club and move to first base. Just as the teams practices are getting under way they learn they have an annual scrimmage game with Mifune West that is about to occur. As the game begins Mifune West manages to get players on base, leading to a bunt. They quickly learn that Yamane can't throw with his right hand, so they begin bunting every play. Seeing how Mifune West is playing Goro decides to put off his rehab and start pitching in the game. Little do they know that Toshi has decided to do a little spying. Seeing Goro at bat and pitching Toshi realizes his biggest rival is back. Mifune East goes on to win the game.
마음을 고쳐먹은 야마네와 신입생들 덕분에 새출발하게 된 미후네 동중 야구부.
그런데 다시 활동을 시작한지 얼마 안 되어, 강호 서중과의 연습경기가 잡히게 된다.
고로는 시미즈와 함께 경기를 구경하다가 상대팀 감독의 태도에 뿔이 나서 마운드에 오르는데…