Mahoro may be the Earth's greatest weapon, but human technology is still only so much; whatever the reasons and explanations, Ryuga does take a direct hit from an antimatter cannon...and shrugs it off. Mahoro is caught off guard, and her last thoughts before she blacks out are that if she somehow gets out of this alive, she still just might get back home before Sugur wakes up, destroy the note she left, and go on as if nothing at all happened. So black out she does, into her personal True Happiness that is a morning, any morning, cooking and ready to face the day. Of course it only gets better from there; Suguru suggests a picnic, and soon enough, the whole gang, Miyuki and Rin and Chizuko, Kiyomi and Toshiya, are at the door, yelling to Mahoro to come and join them...So just like on so many other sundays, a hillside picnic, a perfect day, friends, food, Shikijo-sensei the annoying, ridiculous...but familiar. Then, as the four girls are perched in a majestic tree looking over as much of the world as matters for them, the talk turns to dreams and aspirations. Sakura, Rin and Chizuko's answers are completely predictable, but as they turn to Mahoro with the same question - what it is that she dreams of - cue the end of the dream... And cue nothing but pain, as Mahoro snaps back into reality. But though she may be weakend and injured, on the brink of realizing that she may not be coming home after all, her and Ryuga both know she is still not at her limit. What Ryuga can't quite figure out, though, is why? And when he is about to unleash his own ultimate weapon - Ray Blade - all Mahoro does is stand there and wait for death to take her...because in the end, one death is the same as another. It is just at this moment, not a second too soon, really, that Suguru comes dashing into the middle of the fight. Like he said, he is all too aware he is not able to actually affect what happens in any real way...but that isn't the point; he does all he can - protects the one he care
L'issue du combat semble être en faveur de Ryuga et Mahoro se voit confrontée à un sérieux dilemme: utiliser son épée d'énergie, quitte à y laisser la vie faute d'énergie vitale suffisante ou économiser ses dernières ressources au risque de perdre la bataille contre Ryuga.
류가와의 전투를 승리하고, 스구루와의 평범한 일상속에서 계속 머무르고 싶은 마호로의 바램과는 반대로 류가의 전투력은 마호로를 압도하고 있었다.
승리를 목전에 뒀다고 생각한 류가지만 마호로의 전투력은 무시하지 못할 엄청난 것이였다.
언제까지 싸워도 결판이 안날 것 같은 전투에 류가는 서로 최종병기를 사용하여 승부를 가리자고 제안한다.
그러나 류가가 제안한 최종병기의 사용은 마호로의 목숨이 위태로울 수 있는
Mahoro puede ser el arma más poderosa de la Tierra, pero la tecnología humana aún es limitada; Cualesquiera que sean las razones y las explicaciones, Ryuga recibe un golpe directo de un cañón de antimateria... y se encoge de hombros. Mahoro es tomada por sorpresa, y sus últimos pensamientos antes de perder el conocimiento son que si de alguna manera sale viva de esto.