As SAINT combat android Tou Ryuga enters the lives of Suguru and his friends, disguised as a substitute teacher, Suguru becomes aware that some sort of connection exists between Ryuga and Mahoro. To further understand their relationship, Suguru invites all of his friends, as well as both Ryuga and Saori to a party at his house. At the same time, Mahoro is becoming more and more aware that her view of herself - as well as her relationship to Suguru - is changing the more she time she spends living with him. Originally, she saw herself as merely atoning for causing Commander Misato's death, but as the days go by, she comes to realize that what she is truly looking for is a place to belong, a home to be able to take care of and come back to, and people to care for. In contrast, Ryuga's self-examination shows that he sees his entire raison d'etre as fighting - and defeating - Mahoro. His entire identity is of a warrior who was defeated once but is desperate for a second chance, because without it, he is nothing. The party at Suguru's house, where Ryuga comes to realize that Suguru, despite suspecting the depth of Mahoro's past is still unaware of his role in it, sets the stage for the final confrontation between the two combat androids. However, Suguru's intervention means that the actual duel will take place two days later, in a mutually agreed-upon location. With the time and place of the duel now determined, Mahoro again faces the fact that Suguru still has no knowledge of her impending death. She has already caused him immeasurable pain once, and is left to wonder - it is worth living just a few more months with him if the end will still be same pain.
L’arrivée de Ryûga inquiète beaucoup Mahoro, qui a de plus en plus de mal à garder son secret pour elle. Afin de démasquer sa véritable identité, Suguru organise un barbecue au cours duquel il invite Ryûga. La réaction de Mahoro et de son compagnon Slash lui confirme bien des soupçons.
신임 교사‘류가’가 스구루의 학교에 부임해 온 후 마호로의 모습이 초조하다.
어느 날 스구루는 바비큐 파티를 열어, 반 아이들과 시키죠 선생님과 함께
류가 선생님까지 초대를 했다.
류가 선생님이 나타났을 때 마호로는 매우 놀라게 되는데…
Cuando el androide de combate SAINT Tou Ryuga entra en la vida de Suguru y sus amigos, disfrazado de maestro sustituto, Suguru se da cuenta de que existe algún tipo de conexión entre Ryuga y Mahoro. Para comprender mejor su relación, Suguru invita a todos sus amigos, así como a Ryuga y Saori, a una fiesta en su casa. Al mismo tiempo, Mahoro se está volviendo cada vez más consciente de que su visión de sí misma, así como su relación con Suguru, está cambiando a medida que pasa más tiempo viviendo con él. Originalmente, se vio a sí misma como una mera expiación por causar la muerte de la Comandante Misato, pero a medida que pasan los días, se da cuenta de que lo que realmente está buscando es un lugar al que pertenecer, un hogar al que poder cuidar y volver.