Rikis Gruppe zählt schließlich vier Mitglieder. Voller Zuversicht macht Riki sich auf, Kyousuke zu finden. Als sie klein waren, hat Kyousuke Riki seine Hand gereicht und ihn damit gerettet. Nun ist Riki an der Reihe, dasselbe für Kyousuke zu tun. weniger
Having assembled the rest of the original Little Busters, Riki intends to save Kyousuke from despair the same way he did for him when his parents died. Meanwhile, Kyousuke reminisces that in fact the world they are living was created by his spirit with the purpose of preparing both Riki and Rin to live without him and the others, as all of them except the pair apparently perished during an accident. Since then Kyousuke created an alternate timeline that was always reset when Riki or Rin had fallen into despair. However, Kyousuke's power to maintain this realm is waning, leading to the strange events occurring in the previous loop, and the departure of the other girls. When Riki and Rin ran away after she broke down from being separated from the others, Kyousuke was losing his faith, until Riki managed to establish himself as the leader, and once reunited with his friends, Kyousuke claims that the time for him and the others to bid farewell to Riki and Rin is at hand.
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