Nach Masato ist es an der Zeit, Kengo wieder in die Little Busters aufzunehmen. Aber Kengo scheint etwas zu wissen, das Riki nicht weiß, und versucht, Riki davon abzuhalten, weitere Mitglieder zu rekrutieren. Er sagt, dass, wenn Riki weitermacht, er am Ende nur Dunkelheit vorfinden wird. Riki, Rin und Masato überlegen, ob es einen Weg gibt, Kengo in die Gruppe zu holen und mit der Neugründung der Little Busters fortzufahren. Riki ist entschlossen, der Anführer zu werden, der Kyousuke einst war, und beschließt, Kengo notfalls durch Gewalt zu überzeugen. In diesem Moment hält Rin einen Ball hoch und schlägt vor, Kengo zu einem Baseball-Spiel herauszufordern.
Riki's next step to reassemble his friends is to convince Kengo to join their side, but Kengo refuses to listen to him, claiming that all Riki and Rin need to do is to rely on their friends. Riki visits Kyousuke, who hints that Kengo is lying about something and Riki realizes that Kengo's arm is not injured as he claims. Rin learns from Masato that Kengo originally joined the Little Busters after Kyousuke defeated his father in a kendo match. This leads Riki to challenge Kengo to a baseball match instead, with the first one to strike a home run being the winner and Kengo rejoining the Little Busters should he lose. After several attempts, Riki manages to land a home run but is too exhausted to throw the ball, so Rin takes his place. Rin's throws are fast but with initially no control, and when she manages to throw the ball properly, she succeeds in having Kengo strikeout, winning the match. Kengo rejoins the Little Busters, determined to follow Riki as long as he can.
마사토를 다시 리틀 버스터의 멤버로 맞아들인 리키는 이번엔 켄고를 동료로 만드려고 한다. 그러나 리키의 의도를 알고 있는 켄고는 그것을 강하게 거부하였다. 그리고 리키에게 리틀 버스터즈를 모으지 말 것을 경고하였는데...
接下來,該讓謙吾成為Little Busters的夥伴了。謙吾卻勸理樹別再繼續招募夥伴,看來謙吾似乎知道什麼內情。而理樹不肯服輸,堅持要讓謙吾加入,於是兩人展開對決。對決的項目,是棒球…