Nachdem Riki eine weitere Narkolepsie-Attacke erleidet, kümmert sich Kurugaya um ihn bis er erwacht. Während die beiden an die Zeit denken, die sie mit ihren Freunden verbracht haben und sich wünschen, diese Zeit würde ewig andauern, herrscht eine sehr angenehme Stimmung zwischen ihnen...
After waking up, Riki learns from Yuiko that she was taking care of him while he was asleep and cannot shake the suspicion that the whole situation has happened with them in the past. Some time later, Kyousuke and the other boys point out that Riki is behaving strangely since his last encounter with Yuiko. Believing that he has fallen in love with her, they decide to have him lure the girls to the school building as they prepare a fireworks show for them, with instructions to find a way to get alone with Yuiko to set up the mood for his "confession". Wondering if he is actually in love with someone, Riki does as they say, but ends up alone with Yuiko by accident when the fireworks begin. The following day, Riki realizes that the same events of the previous day are being repeated as the date is also the same, June 20.
기면증으로 쓰러져 쿠루가야의 간호를 받게 된 리키.
쿠루가야는 방송실에 단둘이 있게 된 상황을 구실삼아 깨어난 리키에게 짓궂은 장난을 치는데.
이후 넋이 나가버린 리키를 보고 쿄스케는 사랑이 찾아왔다며 리키가 쿠루가야에게 고백할 수 있도록 어떤 계획을 세운다.