Um das erste Spiel der Little Busters zu feiern, veranstaltet Komari einen Pfannkuchen-Party. Die erste Party der Little-Busters-Truppe ist voll von Ausgelassenheit und lachenden Gesichtern, doch eine gewisse Gruppe von Klassenkameraden beobachtet die Feier voller Verachtung.
Following the loss of their first baseball game, the Little Busters have a pancake party. While returning from the party, Yuiko overhears some girls badmouthing her, claiming that they will pay her back for being humiliated in the past. Some time later, Riki and the others learn that someone had filled Kudryavka's bag with thumbtacks and destroyed Komari's notes. Suspicious of a girl who was overhearing them, Riki follows her and finds the same girls Yuiko had noticed the other day in a classroom, figuring that they are the culprits. Despite being confronted by Riki, the girls claim that there is nothing he can without any evidence of what they did, until Yuiko appears and plays a recorded conversation between them that proves their involvement. Despite that, the girls refuse to give up and claim that they will keep tormenting Yuiko's friends until Yuiko destroys the room's door with a single kick and threatens to do the same with their faces, forcing them to give up. When a teacher arrives and discovers the damage, Kyousuke and the other boys cover for Yuiko and Riki as they escape by themselves to the broadcast room. The room seems familiar to Riki despite never having been there before and with his memories confused, he suffers another attack of narcolepsy and collapses.
리틀버스터즈의 첫 야구시합을 기념하기 위해 코마리 주최의 핫케이크 파티가 열렸다.
친구들과 함께 웃고 떠드는 언제나와 같은 즐거운 일상.
그러나 그러한 일상 속에서 종종 리키는 알 수 없는 불안감에 사로잡히고 있었는데...