A mysterious woman named Sakuya offers to assist Raoh and company take down the impregnable kingdom ruled by Gaoh. Sakuya allows herself to enter the fortress in an attempt to seduce Gaoh, lying about her identity and her acquaintance with Raoh. She has him chase her around his bedroom at night, turning off the lights as they circle around. When Gaoh turns back on one of the lights to see Sakuya again, Reina shoots him in the head from the outside with a crossbow from the outside. As Raoh's army begins to infiltrate Gaoh's fortress, Reina fights Habaki, Gaoh's subordinate. Raoh catapults himself onto the fortress and kills Habaki as dawn approaches. Sakuya joins Raoh's army to serve as the tactician of the group.
Alors que Raoh et son armée assiègent le château de Kokkin, une femme solitaire se présente devant eux. Elle se nomme Sakuya. Elle propose à Raoh de conquérir le château en une seule nuit. Sakuya s'avance seule vers le château de Kokkin. Sous les ordres de Soga, Reina se joint à elle pour l'assaut, mais elles se retrouvent toutes deux confrontées à une situation désespérée face à Habaki, maître du Hokuto Shinken. C'est alors que...
Viene introdotto il personaggio misterioso di Sakuya, la quale si guadagna la fiducia di Raoul aiutando l'esercito del Re di Hokuto a conquistare un ulteriore regno prendendo una fortezza ritenuta inespugnabile.
A mysterious woman named Sakuya offers to assist Raoh and company take down the impregnable kingdom ruled by Gaoh. Sakuya allows herself to enter the fortress in an attempt to seduce Gaoh, lying about her identity and her acquaintance with Raoh. She has him chase her around his bedroom at night, turning off the lights as they circle around. When Gaoh turns back on one of the lights to see Sakuya again, Reina shoots him in the head from the outside with a crossbow from the outside. As Raoh's army begins to infiltrate Gaoh's fortress, Reina fights Habaki, Gaoh's subordinate. Raoh catapults himself onto the fortress and kills Habaki as dawn approaches. Sakuya joins Raoh's army to serve as the tactician of the group.
Una misteriosa mujer llamada Sakuya se ofrece para ayudar a Raoh y compañía a derribar el reino inexpugnable gobernado por Gaoh. Sakuya se permite entrar a la fortaleza en un intento de seducir a Gaoh, mintiendo sobre su identidad y su relación con Raoh. Ella hace que la persiga por su habitación por la noche, apagando las luces mientras dan vueltas. Cuando Gaoh vuelve a encender una de las luces para ver a Sakuya nuevamente, Reina le dispara en la cabeza desde afuera con una ballesta desde afuera. Cuando el ejército de Raoh comienza a infiltrarse en la fortaleza de Gaoh, Reina lucha contra Habaki, el subordinado de Gaoh. Raoh se catapulta a la fortaleza y mata a Habaki cuando se acerca el amanecer. Sakuya se une al ejército de Raoh para servir como táctico del grupo.