Of all the law related dramas inside and outside of the country, a majority of lawyers are depicted as heroes, either bringing tears to your eyes helping the weak underdog, or trying to advocate justice to the extreme. This has led the general public to view lawyers with eyes of respect and envy.
However, the main character of "Legal High!!" stands miles away from that stereotypical identity of a lawyer. Komikado Kensuke is stubborn, abusive in his language, sarcastic, moody, and an extravagant spender. To the contrary, he has never lost a case in his life. A genius at bargaining and building strategy, winning is everything to Kensuke. His love for money, fame, and women obviously collects the dislikes of other professionals in the field. Kensuke loathes the textbook of justice the young lawyers try to brandish.
Unexpectedly, Mayuzumi Machiko is a lawyer who passed her bar exam through hard studies. She is overly earnest in her mission of saving the weak, and rather clumsy and incapable of planning ahead. Her lack of versatility and strong righteousness drives her reckless, without compromise to her convictions. Passionate and determined, she is the complete opposite of Kensuke's character.
"Justice is the winner," Kensuke stands by this belief without doubt. Despite the skepticism he receives for his sensational efforts, the people surrounding him begin to see that their view was but a pipe dream. In the courtroom, Kensuke reminds us of the feeling we had all forgotten: To fight with all our energy and to never give up
비뚤어지고 독설적인 최저의 성격을 가졌지만, 소송에서 한번도 진적이 없는 변호사와 성실하고 정의감은 강하지만 융통성이 없는 옹고집 햇병아리 변호사. 물과 기름의 2명의 변호사가 서로 부딪쳐가면서도 법정에선 공동 투쟁! 싸우는 법을 잊어버린 모든 사람들에게 보내는 '변호사 드라마'. 사상 가장 웃긴 최상의 법률 코메디!
三木律师事务所的菜鸟黛真知子(新垣结衣 饰)为了帮一起谋杀案的当事人洗刷清白,在社长秘书泽地(小池荣子 饰)的指点下,找到了传奇律师古美门研介(堺雅人 饰)。古美门拥有极高的辩护才能,为了赢得胜利不惜使用任何手段,他至今保持着骄人的全胜纪录,也曾经是三木(生濑胜久 饰) 麾下的得意门生。但是5年前的一起事件导致这两大律师界巨擘的决裂。看在巨额律师费的份上,古美门同意出山,他凭借巧舌如簧、颠倒黑白的能力赢得诉讼。在此之后,黛加入古美门的事务所继续作为律师的修行,而接下来一连串的官司又将古美门和三木沉疴已久的旧怨重新摆上桌面。
黛真知子(新垣結衣 飾)是一個充滿著正義感、憑著大無畏的精神,一股腦兒向前衝的熱血新進律師。因為一次訴訟而認識法律界神話—古美門研介(堺雅人 飾),一位毒舌、傲慢、自大,為了勝訴不擇手段,穿梭在法律灰色地帶但擁有著不敗紀錄的知名律師,此後並開始到古美門律師事務所工作。性格與想法完全地南轅北轍的兩人,在一次又一次的訴訟中不斷發生衝突,但同時又在法庭上攜手戰鬥。一對冤家拍擋緊守各自的信念,衝擊著日本司法界,要在公平與正義之間,還司法制度一個真面目。