Comprenant, à la fin XIXe siècle, que l'ouvrier fait partie du capital de leur entreprise, certains patrons déduisent qu'il leur faut y prêter attention pour les permettre de rester en état de travailler. Et si la tâche à la chaîne a du mal à s'imposer, rationalisation de la production et techniques de management comme le taylorisme se généralisent après la Première Guerre mondiale malgré la résistance du monde ouvrier.
No final do século XIX, empregadores esclarecidos entendiam que, para produzir melhor e mais rápido, deveriam tratar bem os seus trabalhadores e alimentá-los melhor.
A produção em massa desenvolve-se após a Primeira Guerra Mundial e o Taylorismo ganha terreno depois de a paz ser restaurada.
A revolução russa dá esperança e alento a toda uma geração de trabalhadores, mas as tentativas de pegar em armas são esmagadas pelas classes dominantes.
O fascismo italiano e o nazismo alemão tomam o poder fingindo-se estar ao lado do trabalhador, mas rapidamente declaram o fim da luta de classes.
At the end of the 19th century, enlightened employers undertand that to produce better and faster, they must treat their workers well and feed them better. At the end of the 19th century, enlightened employers undertand that to produce better and faster, they must treat their workers well and feed them better. Line work develops after the first world war, and Taylorism gains ground after peace is restored. The Russian revolution gives hope to an entire generation of workers, but the attempts to take up arms are crushed by the ruling classes. Italian fascism ag German nazism take power by pretending in the name of the mythical "worker", but soon decalre the end of the class struggle.
Der dritte Teil beleuchtet, wie das "Humankapital" in den Betrieben Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts möglichst optimal genutzt werden soll. Es ist die Geburtsstunde der Ernährungswissenschaft, der Ergonomie, der Arbeitergymnastik – im Dienste der Moderne und des Fortschritts.