The family must get used to the presence of the reappeared daughter and the media pressure does not make it easy. The investigation of Eguia and Costa continues. There is something about Fernando's attitude that does not quite fit and the shadow of a little doubt about the family environment begins to dawn.
Eguía and Costa investigate the club Andrés took Paula to. They discover a relationship between the club and Luis Fonseca (the Millionaire) one of the leading men in the city but political pressures prevent further investigation. Lalo, moved by the situation that Lidia is going through, decides to step aside.
Eguia and Costa travel to Madrid in search of Baranov, the alleged pedophile who sold Paula. However, his arrest is frustrated. The options of knowing who Paula García really is and why he lies are less and less. The reappearance in Santander of Ricardo Vega, an old acquaintance of Paula's past, reopens expectations.
After the discovery of Teresa's death, Paula wants revenge and asks Fonseca for help to eliminate him while Eguía progresses in his suspicions about his past. Fernando must neutralize the danger for Ricardo's family stability as he tries to convince his partners of his power in the bank behind the back of a Lydia.
After his arrest for the death of the Russian diplomat, Paula's case is closed by the juvenile prosecutor. However, Paula gives a fact that makes Lidia have a slight suspicion that the girl is not really his daughter. Fernando, in a desperate move to control the situation, decides to tell Lidia the whole truth.
Paula begins to notice that the circle of suspicions about her true identity is closing. On the one hand, Lidia distrusts her-after Fernando's revelation-and thus proves it. On the other, Eguía has just discovered that Paula is Sara. Anticipating the danger, Paula will use her weapons, manipulation and seduction.
Eguía, convinced by Enrique to keep it a secret, confronts his doubts with Lalo. He learns that Lidia and Fernando are also aware that Paula is an impostor, which leads him to rethink what is the truth they are hiding. For Paula, the estrangement of Eguía and the coldness of her mother pose a threat in her determination to continue in the family.
Irina arrives in Santander, fleeing from Petrov, and Paula hides her in the shelter of Eguía. The Ukrainian asks her to accompany her: she is also in danger. Paula refuses because, in her new life, she has found a family and love. But reality contradicts it. In parallel, Eguía confesses to his girlfriend that he has a relationship with Paula. An addictive relationship that consumes it.
Paula falls into the trap of Irina, and is about to be captured by Petrov, but manages to flee before reaching Eguía with reinforcements. After the incident, the weight of suspicion falls on Eguía: The girl has appeared dead in her home and he does not understand it. Things get complicated when two agents from Group 9 arrive to take charge of the case and the protection of Paula García.
Enrique calls a meeting at the bank where he announces surprising changes and an unexpected news, that of his illness, which catches Fernando with the changed step. On the other hand, the circle of the investigation on Eguía is narrowing more and more, it will be difficult to get rid of the accusation of the murder of Irina.
Paula is kidnapped by Sanchez and, terrified, discovers that her final destination is in the hands of Petrov. Oblivious to this, his family mourns the loss of Enrique in the strictest privacy. However, a change of last-minute plans puts Sanchez in an uncomfortable position that forces him to take unexpected steps and make mistakes.
Eguía and the police manage to free Paula from Petrov's clutches. The nightmare is over, Paula returns home with Lidia very affected by everything that happened. In the police station Eguía is rehabilitated and returns to occupy his post. But there is something that still tortures him and he can only talk to Lalo: what happened to the real Paula?
The discovery of Cyril's death endangers the true identity of Paula, and Eguía, still convalescing from Petrov's shot, must see to it that the truth is not discovered. Fernando, surrounded by the police and by the questions of his family, confesses his crime, but it is not the one that Eguía expected.
Miles de niños desaparecen en España cada día. Algunos de los casos más mediáticos se exponen en este documental, que precede al capítulo de cada noche de "La verdad".