Eine riesiger feindlicher Geoframe taucht auf, der ohne Yukina jedoch unbesiegbar ist. Ken, Akagi und Kayahara setzen ihre Suche fort.
With Yukina back in the co-pilot seat the Black Relic is back in action. They launch at incoming geoframes which try to beam themselves and the Black Relic up to their mothership. This plan gets disrupted and with the help of Gaus 1 and 2 the Geoframes are disabled. But in a surprise turn of the situation the pilot of the main geoframe surrenders.
Un enorme geoframe nemico minaccia il centro, che senza Yukina non ha la potenza necessaria per contrattaccare. Ken, Akagi e Kayahara continuano le ricerche.
적군의 거대한 지오프레임이 나타나지만, 유키나가 없는 상황에서 연구소는 지오프레임을 막을 힘이 없다. 켄과 아카기, 카와하라는 수색을 계속한다.
Bez zaginionej Yukiny centrum dowodzenia brakuje mocy, aby odeprzeć atak wrogiego mecha. Ken, Akagi i Kayahara kontynuują poszukiwania.
Er verschijnt een gigantisch vijandig geometrisch object, maar zonder Yukina staat het center machteloos. Ken, Akagi en Kayahara zoeken verder.