...Alvin (male lead/armored warrior) is trying to make it as an adventurer in a land ravaged by monsters and other such baddies when he ends up getting the bad end of a fight with a bear-like creature only to be saved by the dark elf healer girl Carla (female lead/dark elf) who happens to be passing by except her personality being what it is things turn into an argument which confuses the bear creature even more and then something not in the original manga happens where they get taken back to the bear's house and some of the manga fans are like "Huh?" but see this is based on a manga that was published online before the comic was serialized called "What Story Is This?" that was set in the same world so the anime staff and manga creators asked to use this space to explain what's going on also there's no codes or hidden messages in this just so you know and that's the deal with episode 1.
El guerrero Alvin conoce a Carla, una sanadora elfa oscura, mientras lucha contra una bestia demoníaca. Sin embargo, Carla tiene una personalidad molesta. ¡Además, sin darme cuenta, maldije a Alvin para que muriera cuando me dejó!
"In einer von Monstern befallenen Welt beschließt Alvin (Hauptfigur/Krieger in Rüstung), den Weg eines Abenteurers zu bestreiten und im Zuge dessen gegen ein Bärenungeheuer zu kämpfen, wobei er in Not gerät, doch da kommt zufälligerweise das Dunkelelfmädchen Carla (Heldin/Dunkelelf) vorbei, die zugleich auch eine Heilerin ist."
Der Krieger Alvin ist in einen verbitterten Kampf gegen ein Bärenmonster verwickelt, als er auf die Heilerin Carla trifft. Doch obwohl sich ihre Kommunikation mehr als schwierig gestaltet, finden die beiden irgendwie einen Draht zueinander, wobei auch das Bärenmonster einen gewissen Anteil hat …
Le guerrier Alvin rencontre la guérisseuse Carla lors d’un combat contre un monstre. Mais il se trouve que Carla est insupportable, et par inadvertance, elle maudit Alvin, le rendant incapable de s’éloigner d’elle !
전사 앨빈은 마수와 전투 중 다크 엘프 힐러인 카라와 만나게 되었다. 하지만 카라는 매우 귀찮아하는 성격. 게다가 아차 하는 사이에 카라는 앨빈에게 자신에게서 떨어지면 죽는 저주를 걸어버렸는데.
Um cavaleiro e uma curandeira desbocada se encontram e vão passar por poucas e boas juntos!
Um cavaleiro e uma curandeira desbocada se encontram e vão passar por poucas e boas juntos!