Is it really parenthood if you don't have a dirty diaper throwing war? Jackson cried. Landon judged. I think Keren has a crush on Khoa... Description stories are at the bottom from now on! One time we all went to the mall and I had to change Landon's diaper. The mens room didn't have a changing table. The family bathroom had a line so I laid down a blanket on a bench and proceeded to change the dirty diaper there. Well when I took off Landon's diaper, he immediately started peeing everywhere. Some kids walked by laughing. A mom covered her daughters eyes. A grandma told me I need to read more books. I was caught off guard. I reached for the diaper bag but the zipper was stuck and I couldn't open it. The next closest thing to me was Keren's bag of brand new clothes. I reached in and pulled out a white dress and covered Landon up before any more damage could be done. Fortunately the pee didn't get on Landon's clothes. Unfortunately for me though, when I showed Keren what I did to her dress, she smacked me so hard I landed back in the store. Somehow I was at the front of the line with a brand new dress in my hand. I had to pay for it again. I cried. My wallet cried too. The cashier asked if I wanted to sign up for the rewards program. I said no. He cried with me.