Next up to perform after VICONIC and 3DM8 is PathTLive! Having witnessed the performances of the previous two highly accomplished units, Miracle and the girls are nervous but excited. The feelings of PathTLive members align in perfect harmony as they continue to create music together right up until the day of the performance. Meanwhile, in the headmaster's office , tension is brewing between Auris and Ada who have opposite ideas about the criteria that should be used to evaluate the competitors. Ultimately, emotions spill over between the two. Is this the biggest problem since the formation of PathTLive?! The bonds between the participating members save PathTLive from their crisis.
Miracle und ihre Freundinnen sind dran, ihre Performance zu demonstrieren. Jedoch kommt es zu einem unerwarteten Problem, das sie nicht so einfach lösen können.
L'avant-dernier groupe à présenter sa nouvelle chanson et chorégraphie pour la bataille des groupes est PathTLive. Les cinq membres ont encore du travail pour tout mettre au point, et l'heure tourne.