The main ADEN seed competition for the Virtual Grid Awards begins! Beginning with Miracle, all of the members of PathTLive safely made it through the pre-selection and are reminiscing about the encounters and the numerous trials that they have faced to get to this point. However, for some reason, Quan seems out of sorts. Meanwhile, Auris, headmaster at ADEN academy, explains the rules of the main ADEN seed contest, which affords the winners the right to participate in the Virtual Grid Awards. Miracle and the other members of PathTLIve, who couldn't hide their suprise at what Auris told them, found themselves in front of those who had finished towards the top of the rankings in the preliminary competition...
Miracle et les quatre autres membres de PathTLive ont réussi à avancer jusqu'aux sélections pour les Virtual Grid Awards ! C'est très vite que le top 15 apprend les détails de la prochaine épreuve qui les attend, une bataille au format pour le moins inattendu.
Miracle und ihre Freundinnen haben es unter die Top 15 der Virtual Artists geschafft und müssen sich bald in der Hauptrunde beweisen. Gewinnen sie diese, können sie beim Virtual Grid Award auftreten. Neben ihnen tauchen zehn neue Gesichter auf, die ebenfalls das gleiche Ziel vor Augen haben.