佐木 (岩﨑大昇) に誘われ、民宿を訪れた一 (道枝駿佑) と美雪 (上白石萌歌) は、居合わせた合宿中の美大生達と肝試しをすることに。舞台となった病院のトイレには、患者だった『花子』の霊がいるらしい。クジの順番通り花子さんの個室を訪れる中、最後に向かった伊能 (中川大輔) の姿が消える。床には花子さんの墓まで続く血の跡があったが、インクだと判明し、伊能によるイタズラだと思われた。しかし、翌日死体が発見されて…。
Saki takes Kindaichi and Miyuki to an inn owned by his relatives. At the inn, they meet four art college students, who invite Kindaichi and the others to take part in a dare. Saki, who is rooting for Kindaichi and Miyuki to get together, convinces them to participate. The setting for the dare is a dilapidated hospital that was closed down thirty years ago. At the hospital, the art students tell them the tale of Hanako, the ghost of a patient that still dwells in one of the toilet stalls. Anyone who calls out to her is said to be killed. The dare is for each participant to go inside Hanako's stall at the very end of the bathroom, say "Hanako, let's play," then bring back a ping-pong ball from a can to prove that they did the dare. They each get ten minutes to do so. They take turns according to the lot they drew, and one by one, each participant returns. But Ino, who was the last person to go, leaves for his turn and never comes back.