When landscape architect Joanna Yeates disappeared after work Christmas drinks, the nation was gripped by the search for her. Tragedy struck on Christmas day morning when her body was found in a snow-covered lane
Dermot Murnaghan takes a look back at the case of Sabrina Kouider, found guilty of the senseless murder of her 21-year-old French au pair
Dermot Murnaghan explores the case of Lewis Daynes, who, at the age of 18, was sentenced to life in prison for the fatal stabbing of 14-year-old Breck Bednar.
Millionaire Peter Morgan moved a young mother, Georgina Symonds, into one of his properties, paying her thousands a month to be his `girlfriend'. But when the relationship turned sour, he began plotting his revenge.
For years police suspected Levi Bellfield of crimes including sexual assault, GBH and abduction, but there was never enough evidence to charge him. Then they began connecting him with the murders of young blonde women
The story of Mark Martin, who viciously targeted homeless women in his quest to become 'Nottingham's first serial killer'.
Glyn Dix served time behind bars for the brutal killing of his landlady, only to strike again upon his release, this time by murdering his wife after an argument
At just 15 years of age, James Fairweather took the lives of two innocent people, citing psychosis as the reason for his bloodthirsty urges.
The chilling story of a man who killed his pregnant ex-wife in a jealous frenzy with a crossbow that narrowly avoided the head of her unborn child.
The story of serial killer-obsessed Nathan Maynard Ellis, who lured Julia Rawson back to his 'flat of horrors' and cruelly took her life
The story of a man dubbed 'The Grindr Killer', who used dating apps to lure his innocent victims into horrific deaths.
A neighbourhood is rocked when beloved resident Vera is found dead in her home. No one realised how far her unpredictable neighbour would go
In 2006, five women were viciously killed in the sleepy coastal town of Ipswich. Steven Wright dubbed 'The Suffolk Strangler' caught detectives in a game of cat and mouse for nearly six weeks in which he murdered his victims.
The story of double-murderer Janbaz Tarin, who killed his ex-partner and her mother after they discovered he had a secret wife and children.
The chilling story of the self-professed 'playboy' who brutally killed his 17-year-old girlfriend by strangulation in 2011
The story of Ben Geen, who was convicted of murdering two patients in his care at Horton General Hospital. He maintains his innocence to this day
The story of 17-year-old Shafilea, who was cruelly killed by her own parents in 2003 because they thought she had become too Westernised.
In July 1991, Michael Sams kidnapped Julie Dart and took her to his workshop in Newark where he kept her in a makeshift coffin before killing her after she tried to escape
Kayleigh Hanks was violently strangled by her boyfriend Ian Paton at her flat in Bexhill-on-Sea, whilst their baby daughter slept in the same room.