While sinking into the ocean, Kyururu has a dream where she once again encounters Parotia and Lophornia, who warn her of an impending crisis. She is then rescued by Dolphin and Sea Lion, who inform everyone about the Ceruleans emerging from Kyururu's drawings. Just then, a giant boat-shaped Cerulean attacks the hotel, causing Ceruleum to come into contact with the drawing Kyururu gave Pigeon and spawn Ceruleans of all the Friends drawn on it. As Kyururu desperately tries to find Pigeon, Kaban arrives with all the other Friends in tow to help fight off their Cerulean doppelgangers.
스케치북을 든 채 바다에 빠져 의식을 잃은 꾸르르를 바다에 있던 프렌즈들이 구해낸다. 무사히 정신을 차린 꾸르르였지만 또 다른 위기가 일어났다는 사실과 함께 그 위기의 원인이 자기에게 있단 사실을 알고 죄책감을 느끼는데.
Quando descobrem o que os desenhos de Kyururu podem fazer, várias amigas decidem ir até o hotel…
De toutes parts, les Amimales sont attaquées par des Céruléens issus des dessins de Kyururu. Très inquiètes pour notre trio de choc, elles se sont rassemblées et font route de concert vers l'hôtel de Mme Otocyon.